Talk:Semantic Result Formats

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-- Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 20:55, 13 June 2013 (CEST)

Testing a bit here ...

ALA-Reader, Apache OpenNLP, Apache UIMA, Beestar insight, DataMelt, DocuBurst, Dragon ToolKit, General architecture for text engineering, Gephy, Gismo, IBM Many Eyes, IBM Many Eyes v2, Iramuteq, JSON-CSV Converter, KEEL, KH Coder, Knime, KoRpus, LOCO-Analyst, Learning Analytics Enriched Rubric, Lexico, Lexos, LightSide, Lingpipe, Log Parser, Log Parser Studio, MAXQDA, Maps (MediaWiki extension), MeTA, Mediawiki, Mediawiki collection extension installation, Mozenda, Nactem software tools, NetMiner, Neural Designer, OpenSesame, Orange, Orange Textable, Page Forms, Pajek, QDA Miner, R, RapidAnalytics, RapidMiner Server, RapidMiner Studio, Redash, SAM, SATO, SNAPP, SQ-ALL... further results

Apache Software Foundation Arik Fraimovich and friends Artelnics Beestar Breck Baldwin & Bob Carpenter, Alias-i Brendon Carnegie Mellon University’s Language Technologies Institute ChengXiang Zhai et al. University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign Christopher Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale, Gerald Penn, Brittany Kondo and Bradley Chicoine Cyram Inc. DataMelt community. Led by S.Chekanov Dawson, S., Bakharia, A., & Heathcote, E. eLearning laboratory - University of Lugano Equipe SYLED-CLA2T, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3 Gephy community IBM (originally) Apache software foundation (now) IBM Cognos software group Jelena Jovanović, Dragan Gašević, Carlo Torniai Jeroen De Dauw John Dimopoulos AG Koichi Higuchi LangTech Sàrl Lexomics Research, Wheaton College Marcin Cieślak Meik Michalke Microsoft Mozenda Orange community others Pierre Ratinaud, LERASS ProvalisResearch Rapid-I RapidMiner R Foundation and community Roy B. Clariana, College of Education, Penn State University Sebastiaan Mathôt, Daniel Schreij, Lotje van der Linden, Edwin Dalmaijer, Siebrand Mazeland Spanish National Projects Sten Govaerts, K.U. Leuven Stephan Gambke The National Centre for Text Minin University of Sheffield UQAM VERBI Vladimir Batagelj, Andrej Mrvar Yaron Koren Zhou, X., Zhang, X., and Hu, X., Drexel University MediaWiki foundation and MediaWiki volunteers

⧼validator-describe-header-parameter⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-type⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-default⧽ ⧼validator-describe-header-description⧽
distribution ⧼validator-type-boolean⧽ no Instead of displaying all values, count their occurrences, and show these.
distributionsort ⧼validator-type-string⧽ none Sort the value distribution by occurrence count.
distributionlimit ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ no Limit the value distribution to the count of only some values.
aggregation ⧼validator-type-string⧽ subject Specify to what the aggregation should relate to
min ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ no The minimum value to show on the Y-axis
charttype ⧼validator-type-string⧽ treemap Available chart type
height ⧼validator-type-integer⧽ 400 Specify the height (in pixels) of a chart or graph
width ⧼validator-type-string⧽ 100% Specify the width (in pixels or percent) of a chart or graph
charttitle ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ The title of the chart
charttext ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Descriptive chart text
class ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Specify an additional cascading style sheet class
datalabels ⧼validator-type-string⧽ none Chart/graph data labels
colorscheme ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Select a color scheme
chartcolor ⧼validator-type-string⧽ ⧼validator-describe-empty⧽ Assign individual chart colors