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Introduction and abstract

This is a resource and follow-up page for a talk given at the Dokeos Users Day 2008.

Is there a future for learning management systems ? (Keynote)
Daniel K. Schneider
TECFA – FPSE - Université de Genève
Dokeos Users Day – Geneva – December 4 2008

Abstract: Since the emergence of learning management systems (LMS) in the 1960's we have seen many trends. They usually last for about 15 years before they become unpopular, disappear, and then reappear 15 years later in a different form. Internet-based e-learning technology is a synthesis of the 1970's Computer-Based-Training (CBT) and the 1980's Networked Classroom and it is now 13 years old. Statistically speaking, it is almost time to disappear and there are reasons. For example: Today's e-learning systems cannot cope with recent advances in learning design and computer-supported collaborative learning; they represent the antithesis of personal learning environments which are now in strong demand; their authoring model doesn't fit participatory web 2.0 media culture; IMS content packaging standards clash with modern collaborative document production technology. In addition, most LMSs are based on shaky APIs, offer low usability and cannot integrate with modern service-oriented architectures. So, what could be the future of systems like Dokeos ?


(available under the default by-nc-sa CC license)

Follow-up links

Below are a few internal links. Alternatively start from the Main Page, the big picture or search in the google box to the left.

Important notice: This wiki is about Educational Technology (instructional technology) and related fields. It's a resource tool for educational technology teaching and research. Materials may be useful to teachers, instructional designers, e-learning consultants, etc., but it's not the main purpose of this site ...


Instructional design models and pedagogies


E-learning (old style) and its formats
Educational modeling languages


Examples of learning design platforms
Personal learning environments and e-portfolios
Web 2.0
SOA-based frameworks