Développement cognitif des adultes/dynamique du développement d'un individu selon le modèle de Kurt Fischer

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Créé par : User:Melauren

Sujet traité et sources utilisées :

  • Descriptif

Ma carte pose la question "Quelle est la dynamique du développement d'un individu selon le modèle de Kurt Fischer ?"

  • Sources

- Fischer, Kurt W. "Dynamic cycles of cognitive and brain development: Measuring growth in mind, brain, and education." The educated brain: Essays in neuroeducation (2008): 127-150. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~ddl/articlesCopy/FischerCyclesCognBrain.EducBrainCUP.pdf

- Page edutech sur le développement cognitif : http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Cognitive_development

- Richez, Aurélien. Perception spatiale et compétences motrice: approche développement et neuropsychologique. Diss. Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille III, 2014. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01176959/document

- Understanding and Mastering Complexity: Co-Constructed Learning Enhances Understanding. Jessie Cruickshank and Jeb Schenck, 2013. http://i-a-e.org/newsletters/IAE-Newsletter-2013-125.html

- Fab conference ; What Is Fischer’s Skill Theory? Robert S. Murphy http://fab-efl.com/page11/page12/index.html

- Interview with Dr Theo Dawson: Leading an Assessment Revolution ; From lectica.org http://patterndynamics.net/pdfp-interview-with-diagrams/

- Dawson, Theo L., and Zachary Stein. "We are all learning here: Cycles of research and application in adult development." The Oxford Handbook of reciprocal adult development and learning (2011): 447-460. http://www.zakstein.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/2010_0609DawsonStein.pdf

- Wikipédia : Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Piagetian_theories_of_cognitive_development#The_theory_of_Kurt_W_Fischer

- Fischer, Kurt W. and Samuel P. Rose (1998). Growth Cycles of Brain and Mind, Educational Leadership (How the Brain Learns), Volume 56 http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov98/vol56/num03/Growth-Cycles-of-Brain-and-Mind.aspx

- Anik de Ribaupierre (2007). Modèles néo-piagétiens du développement cognitif et perspective psychométrique de l’intelligence : y a-t-il convergence ?. L’Année psychologique, 107, pp 257-302 http://www.necplus.eu/abstract_S0003503307002060

- Fischer, K.W., Kenny, S.L., & Pipp, S.L. (1990). How cognitive processes and environmental conditions organize discontinuities in the development of abstractions. In C.N. Alexander, E.J. Langer, & R.M. Oetzel (Eds.), Higher stages of development. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 162-187. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~ddl/articlesCopy/Fischer_Kenny_Pipp_1990_pp162-187.pdf

Carte conceptuelle

Carte Finale Dvpt Cognitif VFinale.jpeg


- Young, Gerald. Development and causality: Neo-Piagetian perspectives. Springer Science & Business Media, 2011. https://books.google.fr/books?id%3D4jzwt9fUo1kC&pg%3DPA133&lpg%3DPA133&dq%3Dfischer+egocentrism&source%3Dbl&ots%3DM4FQuJ1lV2&sig%3DUCHTGUooe1jnYH2HlLJYaRzVLjU&hl%3Den&sa%3DX&ved%3D0ahUKEwjfgMK075zLAhXMnRoKHUuUBWIQ6AEIHDAA#v%3Donepage&q%3Dfischer%20egocentrism&f%3Dfalse

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