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Week 5

Topics Covered

  • Video/Audio formats and codecs
  • Strategies for dealing with Video formats (Editing and conversion)
  • Video and audio with HTML5

Teaching materials

Classroom activities

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/> 
    <title>HTML 5 video element</title>
Video (replace the URLS)
      <video id="movie1" controls preload="metadata">
	<source src="videos/state-of-wikipedia-480x272.mp4">
	<source src="videos/state-of-wikipedia-480x272.ogv">
	<source src="videos/state-of-wikipedia-480x272.webm">
        Your browser doesn't support HTML5. Maybe you should upgrade.
Audio (replace/reduce the URLs)
      <audio id="movie1" autoplay loop>
	<source src="audio/guitar.mp3">
	<source src="audio/guitar.ogg">
	<source src="audio/guitar.m4a">
	<source src="audio/guitar.wav">
        Your browser doesn't support HTML5. Maybe you should upgrade.
      <a href="">W3C validator</a> 
Wednesday (to be confirmed)
  • Creating Flash videos or using HTML5 players
  • Video encoding for Flash and Timed Text (Flash video component tutorial, only "Video encoding with Flash CS3", "Using the video with the component first method", "Making use of captions")

Code template for timed text:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns=""
   <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="1" dur="4">Let´s start</p>


Code template for times text (advanced):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tt SYSTEM "mini-tt.dtd">
<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns=""
      <style id="title" tts:backgroundColor="transparent" tts:color="red" tts:fontSize="24"/>
   <div xml:lang="en">
      <p begin="0" dur="9" style="title">Something</p>
      <p begin="30" dur="5">My 
        <span tts:backgroundColor="yellow" tts:color="black">
      <p begin="35" dur="5">
        <span tts:backgroundColor="transparent"></span>
        Working hard ....
      <p begin="40" dur="4">The outside (not my bike)</p>

Homework 5

  • Create an HTML5 file that includes at least a video and an audio
  • The page should be "meaningful" and usable with respect to a target population of your choice. (I.e. don't create a page for the instructor, identify an objective and implement ...)
  • You may copy/paste text and use media files from some other sources under the condition that you cite these sources.
  • You may keep the HTML very simple (ie. only use h1 and p tags)
  • In order to get a high mark with respect to Artwork and appeal, you should consider using some CSS, e.g. add a float:right property to the video element. In case you don't know CSS at all, you may compensate with excellent contents.
  • Submit the files to the worldclass room. Make sure to include the media files unless you link to accessible URLs.
  • Due: Moday, week 7, before class

Term project