« Google Classroom » : différence entre les versions

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* [http://jesoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/KC3_35.pdf Iftakhar, S. (2016). Google classroom: what works and how. ''Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3''(1), 12-18.]
* [http://jesoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/KC3_35.pdf Iftakhar, S. (2016). Google classroom: what works and how. ''Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3''(1), 12-18.]
* [https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4960909 Shaharanee, I. N. M., Jamil, J. M., & Rodzi, S. S. M. (2016, August). Google classroom as a tool for active learning. In ''AIP Conference Proceedings, 1761''(1), p. 020069. AIP Publishing LLC.]
* [https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4960909 Shaharanee, I. N. M., Jamil, J. M., & Rodzi, S. S. M. (2016, August). Google classroom as a tool for active learning. In ''AIP Conference Proceedings, 1761''(1), p. 020069. AIP Publishing LLC.]
* [https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/63115026/APJEAS-2018.5.1.0520200427-124716-cp3e4a.pdf?1588042127=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DUsability_Evaluation_of_Google_Classroom.pdf&Expires=1605392862&Signature=BjEEKjYr00V9M8RW7ZaZZ81k~uOdT8q1GMj1ioJU90ZJnhboEEeYlyi~7FBAhGmAN8S1BdV2i5vnc01sugLY0cADidqOQfRAs-HZayAq5S0Ze7A7W3l0y7wn5FiGahGQkCt~0CeiN3iZbusYPwc3K-3uhlD6OwvYtkuCHT1WwIOU-zKZWO2Go82EQMDyRW-yTVm1YDtmehcl43RKC4qqavRGKeGUBl~~z0qRf25osEe7eXPHlHCMlWq1J-338MYNRzCrI5zscBcsH6AzJ1ET9BK0Q3ayWPfAujbIhg0htSXf5ZAuNspuF1DPJWVKsVt4QsrUatjP2VI0Vl3NF4NA5Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA Ventayen, R. J. M., Estira, K. L. A., De Guzman, M. J., Cabaluna, C. M., & Espinosa, N. N. (2018). Usability evaluation of google classroom: Basis for the adaptation of gsuite e-learning platform. ''Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, 5''(1), 47-51.]
* [http://repo.uum.edu.my/20521/ Mohd Shaharanee, I. N., Jamil, J., & Mohamad Rodzi, S. S. (2016). The application of Google Classroom as a tool for teaching and learning. ''Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 8''(10), 5-8.]
* [http://repo.uum.edu.my/20521/ Mohd Shaharanee, I. N., Jamil, J., & Mohamad Rodzi, S. S. (2016). The application of Google Classroom as a tool for teaching and learning. ''Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 8''(10), 5-8.]
* [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Choirudin_Choirudin/publication/327363815_Building_Interactive_Communication_with_Google_Classroom/links/5c61dac7a6fdccb608bba212/Building-Interactive-Communication-with-Google-Classroom.pdf Subandi, S., Choirudin, C., Mahmudi, M., Nizaruddin, N., Hermanita, H., & Hermanita, H. (2018). Building interactive communication with Google classroom. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.13), 460-463.]
* [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Choirudin_Choirudin/publication/327363815_Building_Interactive_Communication_with_Google_Classroom/links/5c61dac7a6fdccb608bba212/Building-Interactive-Communication-with-Google-Classroom.pdf Subandi, S., Choirudin, C., Mahmudi, M., Nizaruddin, N., Hermanita, H., & Hermanita, H. (2018). Building interactive communication with Google classroom. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.13), 460-463.]

Version du 14 novembre 2020 à 23:29

Cette page est réalisée dans le cadre du cours Sem@actu 2020-2021 (Semestre: Automne 2020)

· Responsables du cours: Nicolas Szilas et Julien Venni

· Auteurs du projet: Aurélie et Martina





Lien d'accès à Google Classroom
