COAP:COAP-2100/term project

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Term project

Task: Either create (A) a little website or (B) an advanced HTML5 web page that has a purpose of your choice

Define some clear objectives and requirements for your term project

  • Implement the website with an online service
  • Implement the HTML5 page with one of technologies encountered in class (i.e. SVG and/or HTML5 video/audio).

(Option A) Constraints for the little website

  1. You should use one of the following online services:
  2. As a general rule, your website should include between 4 and 6 sub-pages. A well-designed webtop can use less, blogs should include at least 3 posts plus some extra information (e.g. some useful "gadgets").
  3. All clickable buttons must lead to some content
  4. You should select a theme that fits the purpose of your web site
  5. Within your web site, you must shortly specify the objectives, the target audience and other requirements. You may use a sub-page, a widget or any other device for that.
  6. You are not allowed to "sell" a prior website, except homework 1 and 2 (this can be easily tested by the instructor). However, you may use prior contents made for other classes. But the whole web site must be upgraded to valid HTML5 and CSS.

(Option B) Constraints for the advanced HTML5 page

  1. The web page should present an interesting content (with respect to a design goals and a target population)
  2. It should include either interesting use of SVG and/or video+audio
  3. The code should be free of HTML errors
  4. You can reuse prior homework done for this class or another class.
  5. Write a short report (HTML or PDF or Word or Text file) that presents: Design goals, target population, a very short "how to" and a short auto-evaluation.

Reuse policy

  • Same as in prior homework
  • All external sources must be acknowledged and cited in one way or another

Evaluation criteria

  • Presence of objectives (i.e. can a user figure out what they are ?)
  • Does the result fit your objectives
  • Overall coherence and ergonomics (including no dead links)
  • Contents: Do they look "real" ?
  • Style
  • Technical quality (e.g. no broken links)
  • On time (that includes your presentation in class !)

Notice: You also must present the project as final exam both in class and through a presentation video

Submission and presentation

Term project
  • Draft version is due: Monday week 8 before class, i.e. you must present it shortly.
  • Final version: Friday week 8.
  • Submit an URL or/and files to the Worldclassroom "Term project" assignment. Do not forget the report/about part.
  • In addition, each student must very shortly present his/her project on Monday week 8. You will have exactly 5 minutes to present the purpose of your project. This is part of the final exam (see below). A screencast presenting the term project must be turned in before Wednesday week 8. The screen cast will be shown in class and discussed.
Presentation of the term project (counts as final exam)
  • Presentation of the Draft version: Monday week 8 in class (50%)
  • Presentation video is due: Wednesday week 8 before class (50%)
Missing presentations policy
  • Missing the oral presentation / missing draft web site = 50% off
  • Missing the screencast presentation = 50% off.
  • Missing both, you will get a maximum of 50%, i.e. no more than a C+