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COAP 2170 Week 6 program

Topic: Accessibility


Introduction (videos)
Exam feedback
  • Grade average was 3.1 (B+)
  • Best was 23 points/4.1/A and worst was 11.5 points/2.1/C+
  • Formula used: (points+0.4)*0.175, i.e. one free question (0.4 constant) and a linear coefficient
  • For some: Better preparation needed (i.e. homework/reading/reflecting)
Categories of users
  • visual, motor, auditory, seizures, cognitive
On-line accessibility testing
  • TAW3 online checks WCAG 2.0 compliance at all levels. E.g. our friendly university home page has 431 problems and 93 warnings .....
  • This is an all-in-one service for accessibility, validity and miscellaneous. Enter a URL and the do checking using various other services.

See Accessibility Evaluation Tools at WebAIM and Complete List of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools at W3C for larger lists.

Designers' web browser extensions (some are alternatives to online tools)
Assistive technology for browsers
Classroom activity

Evaluate a website according to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) principles

Older version focusing on content:

Since WCAG 1.0 has now been replaced by the more complex WCAG 2.0, you also could use the following:

Use an on-line service to help you with this task.


Homework 6