COAP 2170 Week 7 program
Short discussion of some design issues
- Recall of the UCD principle seen in week 4: The user should be "brought" into each design phase.
- Recall of The elements of user experience (and similar diagrams)
Task analysis
Context: Task analysis is an early step in the design process and it is an important step if you design web applications (as opposed to information web sites). Usually, task analysis belongs to the problem analysis and requirements phase. As such it would complement other methods like contextual inquiry and card sorting. Task analysis usually is conducted prior to scenarios of use and UML use case analysis.
- Task Analysis (Slides on slideshare)
- Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) (part 1) (8 min, YouTube, slides+ voice)
- (part 2)
- Rolf Wipfli, PHD example (slide 7)
- Use of mind map software for hierarchical component analysis.
Classroom activity
Create a mind map for "signing up and preparing for a class" task.
Install a mind map software on your PC. On Webster computers, make sure to install a portable version since you don't have admin rights.
- FreeMind
- Download page. Take a "Zip" binary version. I should work with any OS version that has Java installed.
- Freeplane (alternative)
You could use an online tool (signing up is usually required), e.g.
- Mindomo
- Mindmeister
- Wise Mapping
- DropMind
- Quick Markup (Firefox extension + online service]
Planning / project management (FYI) (to be confirmed)
- You either could use GANTT charts and/or Mind maps or a simple task list
- It is important to identify first each important task (also called "work packages"), then to schedule these tasks
- Methodology tutorial - planning techniques (unrelated to web design, but summarizes GANTT and PERT)
Recall of major principles
Term project
- Term projects (blog posts on worldclassroom)
- During the 2nd hour, students can work on their term project.
Homework 7
Please create a mindmap that represents a task analysis + a scenario that is based on this mind map
- Choose a task, for example:
- "Getting ready for a class"
- "Getting ready for a course"
- "Getting ready for university"
- Create a mind map using either an online service or a mind mapping program
- Write down a scenario of use based on this mindmap. A scenario of use basically is a summarized story, e.g. read the definition). Wrap the scenario inside a small report with a short introduction and a short summary of the mindmap. Finally, add a conclusion.
- Turn in both files or URLs (mindmap + scenario/report)
Due: Wednesday week 8
- In addition: Prepare term project presentation for Monday week 8.