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e-learning 2.0 talks
This is a resource page for my keynote talk and a second talk in the same area See also ICOOL 2007 workshop on educational modeling languages
Speaker: Daniel K. Schneider, TECFA, University of Geneva
- ICOOL 2007
- 3rd International Conference on Open and Online Learning
- Pedagogical Scripting for Open and Distance Learning (ODL)
- 11-14 June 2007, Hotel Equatorial, Penang, Malaysia
- Organised by the VCILT, University of Mauritius in partnership with the School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Keynote: E-learning 2.0 - Social Computing in the Future of Learning Technologies
E-learning 2.0 can be defined in terms of "learning as a network phenomenon". This includes shared user-generated contents (eg. Wikipedia), use of social networks, presence in virtual on-line communities, mashups of information feeds and other "web 2.0" services and finally personal learning environments.
Todays dominant learning technology - at least in the "institutional" discourse - are so-called learning management systems (LMS). LMSs are a combination of CBT (70's) and computer-mediated communication (80'), i.e. organized sequences of standardized contents (if possible) plus on-line tutoring within closed environments. Currently, research and development in e-learning focuses a lot on so-called activity-based designs, e.g. the idea is to integrate IMS Learning Design or CSCL scenarios. On the other hand, today's strongest grassroots movement can be labelled "e-learning 2.0" in reference to "web 2.0" and it focuses on user empowerment and knowledge building communities.
Talk contents
- Why e-learning 2.0 ?
- E-learning 2.0 refers to web 2.0. It's a somewhat stupid slogan, but there is a trend
- Many free on-line services that allow sharing of content (list of web 2.0 applications)
- The social software formula:
(tools + services + aggregation)^scale
- Technology that is under the control of the teacher empowerment / Teacher empowerment
- Improved user experience (based on AJAX)
- The technology
- Infrastructure:
- Rich Internet applications (e.g. AJAX-based)
- Content aggregation with RSS, Tagging (Folksonomies),
- social software like:
- Sharing of links and feeds (social bookmarking, social navigation, etc.)
- Sharing of digital artifacts (Pictures, Movies, Files, etc.)
- Writing tools (Notepads, blogs, Word processor, Note Taking, etc.)
- Research tools like reference managers, citation indexes.
- Social networking
- Sharable applications
- Organization and planning (groupware, calendars, task managers, personal oganizers, homework and teacher tools
- Content Production tools (Multimedia editing, presentation, graphing)
- concept maping), Argumentation
- Light-weight LMSs (e.g. Haiku).
- Virtual office (aka "office 2.0" like Zoho, Google).
- ubiquitous computing and the Internet of things
- Mashup technology like webtops.
- Use cases (some instructional design models, pedagogical scenarios)
- Virtual community: Community of learning, knowledge-building community
- Personal learning environments and aggregation of these into flexible learner and teacher empowering environments.
- Digital storytelling
- Writing-to-learn (e.g. with a wiki)
- Project-oriented teaching (e.g. C3MS project-based learning model)
- Secon generation e-learning frameworks, i.e. heavy service-oriented-architectures like the e-framework Model that is a combination of Rehak's learning services stack and ideas from social software.
- how teachers can build "light-weight" learning environments with so-called webtops, web widgets, office 2.0 tools etc. - how to rethink the educational learning environment as an aggregation of personal learning environments - instructional design models for which this "2.0" technology might be most appropriate - how second generation e-learning frameworks might integrate some of these impulses.