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; (3a) Userfocus Datalogger user testing tool
; (3a) Userfocus Datalogger user testing tool
: This tool allows to simple task-based usability tests. In addition, you can administer a satisfaction questionnaire.
: This tool allows to simple task-based usability tests. In addition, you can administer a satisfaction questionnaire.
: Download [ Usability Test Data Logger tool] (Excel file) from [ UserFocus].
: Download [ Usability Test Data Logger tool] (Excel file in a resource page) from [ UserFocus].
:* Save the file in some appropriate place
:* Save the file in some appropriate place
:* On Windows, you will have to enable macros
:* On Windows, you will have to enable macros

Revision as of 09:38, 21 March 2011

COAP 2170 Week 2 program


Monday - Usability testing and user satisfaction

(1) Administration
  • Catching up with Easter Monday (I suggest adding about 10 minutes to each class)
  • Participating in a marketing/user experience interview (F. Spiller, the author of Livelogger needs 1 Swiss and more french residents)
  • Usability talk at UniGe (FYI)
(2) Introduction to usability testing
  • Introductory videos and texts
Demo Usability Test by Steve Krug, Author of "Don't make me think!" (important introduction)
  • Introductions for people who don't like much text
Usability Test Moderation: The Comic. A copy is available here (password protected). Probably also on the N: drive.
Usability testing on 10 cents a day by Steve Krug
(3) Introduction to usability testing methodology and tools
Design and usability methods and techniques (FYI, overview page for various methods and tools)
Personas and their use in cognitive walkthroughs. We shall have a look at at set of Personas
usability testing (short overview of "classic" usability testing)
Example of a short test (Word, at
Low-fi (low cost) vs. expensive detailed testing.
Short presentation of heuristic evaluation
(3a) Userfocus Datalogger user testing tool
This tool allows to simple task-based usability tests. In addition, you can administer a satisfaction questionnaire.
Download Usability Test Data Logger tool (Excel file in a resource page) from UserFocus.
(3b) Livelogger demo (if I can manage to get it working)
Please copy the folder from the N: drive/coap2170 (this software is not publicly available)
(3c) Hands on usability testing
  • Configuration of the Datalogger tool and collective task analysis walk-through example, e.g. obtaining information about web certificates (we shall discuss interesting tasks in class)
  • Idem for Livelogger
Let's have a look at (Webster Thailand)
(4) Satisfaction questionnaires
If time left, we will do with respect to Webster Geneva, using a online survey tool

Wednesday - Usability testing (II)

Usability testing hands-on

We shall do some lo-fi usability testing in pairs. Student A will do and student B will observer. After a round of testing we will switch roles. A does tasks with Vienna and B does tasks with Leiden

Homework 2

Prepare a usability review (see also week 3)

  • Either finish the usability test started in class on Wednesday or test Webster Geneva with a non-webster person (this your choice, doing a analysis of Webster Geneva with a "foreign" person is a more interesting exercise)
  • Do at least three tests/tasks.
  • Upload the data files to the worldclassrom as homework 2
  • Use any data logging tool you like, but we suggest using the ones presented in the classroom.

On Monday week three we will meet a member of the marketing team and:

  • Present highlights from hw1 (usability guidelines-based review of Webster Geneva)
  • Present homework 2
  • Present the SUS survey results (if available)

Usability in the gaming industry

For those who are interested in user experience research, computer games, live in the Geneva area, have nothing to do on Tuesday, speak french. The speaker is one of my ex-students at UniGe. You won't get extra points for attending ...

TECFA vous invite à son prochain séminaire, qui continue sur la lignée de la thématique des jeux vidéos/serious game, mardi 22 mars prochain de 12h15 à 13h45, à Uni Mail, salle 3393.

Notre intervenant sera Cyril Rebetez, qui a effectué sa thèse TECFA et obtenu son doctorat en psychologie en 2009. Il a depuis rejoint Sony Computer Entertainement Europe à Londres. A présent, il élabore des tests pour évaluer l'utilisabilité et l'expérience utilisateur des jeux Playstation. Il a travaillé sur des jeux tels que Little Big Planet 2, Start the Party, Killzone 3 ou encore MotorStorm: Apocalypse.

Le titre de son intervention est: "Introduction à l'utilisabilité des jeux vidéos"

“Nous commencerons par présenter l’intérêt que la recherche utilisateurs suscite pour l’industrie du jeu vidéos et pour les game designers en particulier. Nous découvrirons comment Sony teste ses jeux autant du point de vue pratique (objectifs, méthodes, analyse) que de l’intégration dans des horaires de productions plutôt chargés. Nous terminerons par quelques exemples d’études effectuées par notre équipe.”