Forgotton Anne

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Page réalisée dans le cadre du séminaire "Les lundi du jeu", du TECFA

Statut de la fiche
Est-ce une Suite ?
Plateforme PC, XBox
Système d'opération:
URL accès
prix 20 CHF
Description générale du jeu Danish game.

The world of forgotten objects. You play Anne, the enforcer. Master Bonku and you are the only two humans. Anne's job is to make sure the forgotten world is Ether bridge is the primary thing to keep safe.

Mécanique du jeu Very simple mechanics, interact by pressing E, look at things by pressing E.

Anima is Anne's primary weapon. Strong character identification.

Copie d'écran Placeholder.png
Points forts {{{points forts}}}
Points faibles The mechanics are kinda bad. Jumping, etc. is nor really well done.

Characters are really stereotyped.

Potentiel scientifique
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