Stitch Era - digitizing complex vector images

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This is a beginner's tutorial for the Stitch Era embroidery software. It explains how to go from imported more difficult bitmaps and vector images to embroidery.


If you are new to Stitch Era, read

You will need all three, in particular some knowledge about vector drawing and how you can look a stitch objects.

We will improve this over time and add more stuff, in particular more semi-manual digitizing - DKS.

Introductory example - getting the message accross

Original LAMS mascot bitmap file

We shall try to improve our digitzed LAMS logo that we presented in the Stitch Era - simple digitizing article. The result was printable and not even too ugly. However it had one big major flaw. By looking at the stitched logo, it was impossible to understand that the sheep had an iPod and probably listened to some podcast about embroidery on wool.

So let's formulate some design goals:

  • The stitched result should not respect the finer details of the bitmap logo, but rather represent its spirit, i.e. convey somehow the idea of an sheep that uses some tools for learning...
  • The embroidery should not be too stiff, after all we plan to use our designs for real once we get it done right.
Flawed version

Tutorial goals:

  • Learn some more bitmap tracing tricks
  • Learn some vector manipulation and vector drawing techniques
  • Learn more about stitch section configuration, e.g. converting areas, using programmable stitches, and changing stitch directions.

Bringing out bitmap colors

Let's discuss a slightly different bitmap tracing procedure since we found that prior manipulation of image parameters would improve the process.

Preliminary steps

  • Load the bitmap
  • Keep its size, since making it bigger won't help the process in our opinion

Before we vectorize the initial picture we transformed its colors:

  • Max saturation: to bring out colors
  • Max contrast: to distinguish colors
  • Darken a bit: to see the result :)
Make radical changes to the colors of the bitmap

Transform to vector

Preliminary steps

  • Open the Vectorizer tool, i.e. click on the Layout Tab -> Convert to Vector

The "mangled" bitmap doesn't need any color reduction in the vectorizer panel as you shall see.

  • Click on Filter
  • Set Transparent to "no color".

We now have 15 colors and can vectorize

Vectorizer settings:

  • Sharpness and min area = minimum since we don't want to loose an information at this point
  • Max error to 100, i.e. a compromise that will smooth some curves, i.e. create less control points, but not too few.
Vectorizer settings

Simplifying vectors

The result could be translated more or less as is to embroidery, but we would like to create something that is a bit more professional.

The vectorized sheep now includes about 60 vectors that need cleaning up. To do so we have to do the following:

  • Remove large light-grey areas around the sheep (easy: click and kill)
  • Enlarge the vector image to the right size.
  • Kill small useless vectors that are too small to be stitched
  • Kill vectors that are badly rendered and redraw these with the vector drawing tool
  • Fill holes
  • Join vectors that should go together, e.g. the black outline.
  • Reshape some vectors, e.g. increase the size of some "fill objects".

Below is a picture of the vectorized sheep after removing the background grey areas.

Initial LAMS vectors


  • Select all: CTRL-A
  • Then enlarge and position. If you need a precise size, e.g. 6cm in with, use the Layout tool.

Getting rid of small vectors and ugly vectors and fill holes

To do so, you may have to zoom in first. Since we have 1900x1200 laptop, we used 400% for our 60mm X 54mm sheep.

  • Click on each vector object that you want to remove and press CTRL-X (or DEL)
  • Some are so small that they are difficult to select without zooming lot. After removing the easy ones, we clicked on each remaining vector in the object manager and if it was too small we hit CTRL-X (kill).
  • When you notice a hole, you also can kill it. In the Reshape ribbon panel on top, click on remove holes. Verify the result and hit CTRL-Z if needed in order to backtrack.

After this operation we are down to 35 vectors, but the most difficult part remains. The problem is the big black vector that includes most of the outline, plus the bag, plus the ipod cable, plus the ruler. In order to reconstitute these as individual objects to be reshaped or killed, we now must do some vector surgery.

  • Select the black outline
  • Select Split vectors in the Reshape Panel.
  • Zoom in as much as you can, as shown in the screen capture below
  • Then (and this is very tricky) draw a path that will completely section one section from another.
Split vectors in order to isolate the bag area

Redrawing the bag and stuff

We then selected the (now separated) bag area and made it red. We now have two options. Either kill it and redraw or repair. We chose to kill it (not yet) and redraw everything. We took the additional decision to get rid of some details since they won't stitch well probably.

  • The bag could be drawn with either the freehand or the Bezier tool (read Stitch Era - vector graphics).
  • We used the bezier tool (since we didn't have a drawing tablet),
  • Settings: vectors only outline, thickness = 1 mm, curve and normal node
  • Some nodes were then transformed to Corner nodes
  • We added two little lines and then added these to the bag outline with the combine vectors tool.

The iPod outline was made with the Closed shape tool, i.e. the rounded rectangle, and rotated a bit (select the object and hold down the CTRL key). We also added a filled grey circle.

We replaced the blue backgrounds and also added a light blue rectangle on top of the iPod. We will make this "transparent" later.

We finally added red cables for the iPod. Otherwise they can't be seen. Black cables don't really stand out enough.

Cleaning up other vectors

  • A lot of (pretty quick and dirty) cleaning was done for the black outline. We probably would have been more efficient just redrawing it.
  • We also simplified some light grey backgrounds of the sheep fills and joined some of these areas. Often, we also did an add vector operation or simply killed a smaller section and then reshaped a larger one.

The final result looks like this. Vectors are order according to stitch order. First ones should be embroidered first.

Cleaned vectors

Digitizing take 1

The cleaned up vector drawing was then auto-digitized with the idea to reconfigure stitch sections manually.

  • CTRL-A to select all
  • Convert to Embroidery
  • Art to Stitch (Intelligent)

Parameters used:

  • Density = 4 lines / mm
  • Pattern type = PTM-0159 (looks messy like a sheep)
  • Running Stitch length = 1.5mm

A first result looks like this:

Digitized LAMS logo - take one

We have no idea how well this would render, but we will try some modifications

  • Use another pattern for the saddle bad (blue) and the face
  • Make the lower part of the saddle bad transparent

To do so we select each of these stitch sections in the Object Manager and adjust.

E.g. below is a screen capture that shows the idea for the lower saddle bad part

Changing pattern and density

We also suspect that we should have done some more overlapping in order to avoid creation of hard stitches. I always worry about creating design that are not comfortable to wear. However, this should be done at the vector level we believe.

Here is result of take 1. Visually speaking, the result is quite ok, except for the eyes. But the embroidery is indeed too hard to be stitched on a light fabric.

LAMS logo take 1
LAMS logo take 1 - backside

What we should improve in take 2

  • Eyes are ugly
  • Lower density of some areas
  • Simplify some areas, i.e. don't use more than 2 layers of full density stiches
  • Remove underlay stitches of areas that are stitched on top of others
  • Do something about the hard black Zigzag stitches, e.g. convert to running stitches ?

Digitizing take 2

The goals of the second attempt were the following:

  • Create nicer eyes
  • Make the design a bit more light-weight

The eyes were redesigned with vector graphics as circles with a wide border and no fill in order to force round Zigzag stitches. That worked fairly well.

The head was made lighter by punching the nose hole through the underlying face. We selected nose hole + face and then used the CSG Combine Vectors -> Simplify procedure. In the saddle bag area we did the same with the iPod.

The hardest work was to replace the larger black ZigZag stitches by running stitches. At the same time we also killed some paths with running stitches. We did this at the embroidery level:

  • Open the Object Manager
  • Hide Vectors by clicking on the vector button (top right). This is a safety measure.

In order to convert a Zigzag stitch to running stitches, the stitch section must be converted. Click on the section object (or select it in the object manager). Then, use the right-click (context menu) like this:

Converting a ZigZag area to a running stitch

You see potential conversion of the saddle bag outline here, we forgot to take a screen show when we converted the black outline ...

Anyhow, you then get the convert panel (that can be raised in other ways) and you can convert the ZigZag section to a Path. Select center line if you want a line. Else you will get two, one for each side.

Converting a ZigZag area to a running stitch - convert panel

The result will be a path that you can edit in the same way as vector paths. We indeed had to adjust nodes and curves. With respect to vector graphics editing (here we are editing stitch paths) there some differences with respect to nodes (there are more), but otherwise the principle is exactly the same. More one that in some other tutorial (some day).

One important thing was to figure out how to cut a path... and we can't remember how we managed. Split object is only available in the commercial version. Of course, only always could back-translate a stitch path to a vector, then split the vector and digitize again.

We changed the direction of the stitches in the nose holes by 90 degrees. To do so, grab the yellow handles of the direction lines and put them in different places as shown in the next screen capture.

Change stitch directions

In the nose the hole to the left you can see two dotted black direction lines that represent stitch directions of take 1. The picture below shows the changed directions.

Change stitch directions

Changing stitch directions seems to be a quite a powerful design tool and we will have to try it more ...

We finally also changed the fill pattern of the larger areas to something that may or may not be more sheep like, i.e. PTM-0076.

The outside transparent pocket of the saddle bad was redesigned with a programmed stitch (as opposed to lowering fill density of a fill pattern we used in take 1). To do so we simply had to change the fill pattern in the Object Inspector:

Converting a Fill pattern to a programmable Stitch

The next screen capture shows the final stitch sections. Of course, we also had to move these around in order to get the print priorities right.

Digitized LAMS logo - take two

The result is shown in the picture below taken with a cell phone. The eyes look better but are a bit too large now. It's a more light-weight design which was an important aim. The running stitches are tripled and that technique seems to work ok.

The saddle bag area is still too heavy though ....

LAMS redesigned (take 2)

Summary: Redesign the vector art if the original message doesn't get across !

Designs made of lines

Personally, I am quite interested in designs that use academic materials, such as schemas and concept maps. These may contain a lot of lines, so the question is how to digitize such things with the following design goals:

  • Lines should be readable
  • Tissue should not plucker
  • Embroidery should be nice to wear

Depending on whether your designs are large or small and how detailed the curves must be rendered, digitizing will be different.

Small designs with tiny lines

Brain (SVG format): Source Openclipart
Brain embroidered with tiny running stitches

We found a nice and fairly simple brain clipart on Openclipart. We imported it via Illustrator -> Corel Draw and only removed a tiny vector. Otherwise we left the vector graphics "as is".

We tried out various combinations of running stitches for this design. Generation of running stitches can be configured with the following parameters:

  • Stitch Length
  • Repetition
  • Small steps
  • Fit on Path
  • Adapt to Curve

If you use full auto-digitizing, i.e. Art to Stitch (Intelligent) then you can adjust parameters under the stitch settings tab:

  • Click on Advanced Settings
  • Change Stitch length and repetition
  • Press the two buttons for small steps and fit on curve

Tip: Move the mouse over these areas in order to get a tool tip (small popup explaining what the button / icon is good for ...)

Art to Stitch (intelligent) advanced running stitch parameters

The picture to the right was made with the following parameters

  • Stitch length = 0.8
  • Repetition = 3
  • Small steps = off (useless in this case, since they are very small already)
  • Fit on curve = off (same reason as above)

The design looked ok, but added too much tension to the tissue. Also it felt a bit "hard".

A better result was obtained like this

  • Stitch length = 2mm
  • Repetition = 2
  • Small steps = on
  • Fit on curve = on

As you can see in the picture below, Stitch era creates shorter stitches than the default (2mm in our case) when needed and it will place extra stitches in the curves when needed. Disclaimer we don't truly understand the stitch engine, since we also can observe different stitch lengths with small steps = off. However the above option produced a better result :)

Running stitch design (click to enlarge)

You also can see that we should go over the vector design and eliminate the double lines. We also might change stitching order etc. But that's not our problem here. We only wish to know how to generate stitches for a design that has lots of little curving lines ...

The next pictures compares the 2mm design to the left and the "harder" 0.8mm design to the right. Other, less good 2mm designs are not shown.

Running stitch design (click to enlarge)

Medium designs with lines

Let's now quickly make a large brain, i.e. one that fits into my Elna 12.6 x 11 cm A Hoop.

Since we shall use ZigZag stitches, we have to make sure to minimize stiching columns (zigzag lines) on top of each other and to repair some really ugly vectors

Unify vectors

  • Select All
  • Combine Vectors -> Addition. We also might have used Simplify, but then we'd probably have to remove more jump stitches

Remove holes

  • Select vectors with strange holes
  • Click on Remove holes in the main menu bar.
Vector with an ugly hole

We then removed a few really superflueous nodes with the context menu. If you do so make sure that your really selected the node and not just the vector. If you can see curve controls, you are ok. In the following picture you can see an example where we have to remove two times two nodes.

Vector with an ugly useless node

We finally adjusted a few curves a bit. However, we didn't spend much time on improving this, since - again - our purpose is to find out how to print lines, not brain science. Read Stitch Era - vector graphics if you need some help killing nodes and adjusting curves.

Since we almost only have lines to stitch, we directly tell Stitch Era to produce zigzag stitches

  • CTRL-A to select all
  • To Embroidery -> Turning Area -> Area with Zigzag

You won't be asked for any options, it's just done. Therefore we will have to edit the stitch sections in order to change parameters.

  • Hide Vectors
  • Select A to select all embroidery sections
  • Open the Object Manager (if not already done so)

We then changed two parameters in the Object Inspector

  • Density = 4 lines/mm
  • Short Stitches = 2 Levels (to see if this produces nicer sharp curves)

We verified the Underlay. Type edge with a single step is fine, i.e. basically it will stitch two lines along the path.

Zigzag parametrization

We also could change the larger spot to a fill pattern, but we didn't since it is not that big, i.e. the largest stiches are about 4mm wide. That information can be obtained for example in the stitch editor that you enter by hitting F12 or via the Designs panel on top left.

One of the largest stitches

We worry actually much more about the narrowness of the columns and the pull effect that lots of small zigzag stitches will create.

The result looked ok, but I am not very happy with the thickness of the lines. Also the thread broke twice, maybe because some thread was stuck in in the upper part of the machine, but I don't know. Anyhow after removing it, I didn't see neither columns with white bobbin threads nor did I encounter broken threads. Question of tension I believe. It's probably good policy to raise the pressure foot before changing threads ...

Medium brain being stiched with narrow Zigzags

Summary: Fairly tiny lines can be stitched with double running stitches, Thin lines (0.8 and up to 4mm) can be stitched with Zigzag.

Both designs are probably not too nice to wear :)

Outlook: a still larger brain

We now could make a still larger brain. This requires us to go back to the vector drawing board.

So let's make a "light-weight" brain for the B hoop. First thing to do is:

  • Save the design as something new, e.g. brain-large-2.dsg
  • Kill all the stitch sections. In the object manager click on Sections and CTRL-X.
  • Then change the hoop. Click on Embroidery in the main menu bar and click on Hoops
  • I selected the 14x20 cm B Hoop for the Elna

Next step is to turn the design (since the hoop is vertical, i.e. larger than wide.

  • Select all (e.g. by clicking on Vectors in the object manager
  • Click on the layout tab and in the Mirror/Rotate pulldown menu, rotate 90 or 270 degrees. You also could do this through the context menu -> Transform.
  • Still select all (!)
  • Make it as big as you can without going over the borders of the hoop size. Btw. there is a little Show hoop button at the bottom of the Stitch Era Window. It always should be on.
  • In the Align panel (top menu) you then can in the To Design pull down menu, align the whole thing to center.

Now let's digitize. This time Zigzag stitches should print just fine and still are the most appropriate choice.

However, we could try so-called programmable stitches. Remember that I am in the search of "light"...

  • To Embroidery -> Turning Area
  • Select Area with Programmable Stitch. This produced a software error and Stitch Era had to killed with the Windows task manager and restarted.
  • I tried again, and then got Invalid main reference errors, not good.

While Stitch Era shouldn't produce run time errors, there is an explanation. Programmable stitches need larger areas than our fill columns. Also, the design as whole may not be considered as a turning area.

Anyhow, if the program is still running you could play a bit:

  • Select all and play with various fill modes in the object manager, otherwise restart digitizing.
  • Yop may turn off automatic generate in the lightning menu on the quick access bar (top of the top of the Stitch Era Window). This will inhibit Stitch Era from generating new stitches after each change you make. Don't forget to manually reprocess all or to turn it back on later.

Pattern fills do work technically speaking and density can be lowered. However, we believe that pattern fills then would need running stitches as borders. That can be easily achieved by clicking on the Borders tab. However, some of our design actually has big holes meaning that the borders only will be stitched on one side of a line. Therefore we give up, but recalling that zigzag stitches would be ok.

Summary: Large brain designs should start with a different kind of vector design and we may do this in a future addition.

Digitizing powerpoints

One of my pet projects will be walking posters

Since I got many PPT slides, I wondered how difficult it would be to render some of the drawings as embroidery.

Example case: A simple slide with a figure that includes filled shapes, empty shapes and text. Some of these are stacked:

Picture of a PPTX slide

Import PPT as vector graphic

Since vector graphics is always better to have than bitmap files, we tried out exporting a PPT slide to *.emf and *.wmf and then to import it.

Importing the contents via Illustrator and Corel

  • In PowerPoint: Remove the bevels (i.e. use simple fills, the 3D effects are not needed an cause problems)
  • In PowerPoint: Export from *.pptx to either *.emf (enhanced Windows Metafile) format or *.wmf (Windows Metafile).
  • Open in Illustrator and save as *.ai
  • Open the *.ai in Corel Draw
  • In Stitch Era: Get from Application

Import of a design that had Bevels (3D effects) didn't work that well since the blue "buttons" were lost, but not their text. Therefore we restarted (as in the instructions above).

Import takes a while and retrieved all the shapes.

  • Total of 109 vectors, some of which useless (e.g. the yellow cloud had some white surroundings)
  • A big white rectangle sat on top (easy to remove) and the result then looked like this. In the background the 14x20cm B Hoop.
Picture of a PPTX slideimported

Importing contents via Corel

  • Importing *.emf gave bad results, since items are stacked in a strange way. After deleting some useless large squares on top (probably the PPT background), elements were found ...
  • Importing *.wmf was ok, the elements were just misplaced a bit.

Since *.emf is a bit newer and can do a better job with curves and some text (we believe), it is better to got through Illustrator first. But, disclosure, we didn't really test EMF vs. WMF quality here.

Importing EMF and WMF directly

  • In Stitch Era: Open file, select the *.emf
  • Direct import of an *.emf file was lossy. We got 55 vectors. All shapes were imported, but not in good position, text was lost as you can see in the picture below. We got the warning "Metafile contain unknown functions"
Picture of a PPTX slide imported via EMF (click to enlarge)
  • Direct import of *.wmf gave similar results, except that the 55 vectors were in the right position, but as we said above, *.emf is produces much better curves than *.wmf !

In the picture below you see the *.wmf import. Notice the yellow cloud and its many nodes ...

Picture of a PPTX slide imported via WMF (click to enlarge)
Picture of a PPTX slide imported via EMF (click to enlarge)

Direct import is an acceptable method for folks who don't own Corel (and Illustrator). Text can be re-created or even re-imported (probably), but we did not try.

Digitizing photographs

(... needs to be written )