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The model

According to Willis (1995) defines the following characteristics of a typical constructivist-interpretivist instructional design model

  1. The ID process is recursive, non-linear, and sometimes chaotic.
  2. Planning is organic, developmental, reflective, and collaborative.
  3. Objectives emerge from design and development work.
  4. General ID experts don't exist.
  5. Instruction emphasizes learning in meaningful contexts.
  6. Formative evaluation is critical.
  7. Subjective data may be the most valuable

In contrast to many instructional systems design models, Willis claims in particular that objectives do not guide lesson development, rather that they emerge during development. The main components of his development method are:

  • Define
  • Design
  • Develop
  • Disseminate



  • Chen, Hui-Hui (2005), Selecting Computer Mindtools: Usability Of A Web Tool For Constructiivist Learning - A Qualitative Perspective, PhD. Dissertation, Texas Tech University. PDF
  • Willis, J. (1995). A recursive, reflective instr5uctional design model based on constructivist-interpretist theory. Educational Technology, 35(6), 5-23.p