Mediawiki collection extension installation

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Category:MediaWiki extension
Mediawiki collection extension installation
Extension name Collection
About this article / disclaimer
Logo Placeholder.png
Screenshot Placeholder.png
Location of the main author Germany
Coordinates of the main authors 51.163818, 10.447831
Developers, Siebrand Mazeland, Marcin Cieślak
Licences GPL
Description This extension makes it possible to collect a number of pages. Collections can be edited, persisted and optionally retrieved as PDF, ODF or DocBook (XML)
Mediawiki requirements Version 1.17 and later
Related extensions (documented here)
Related extensions [[Is related to information::PDF Writer, Open Document Export]]
Discussion There are two ways of using this extension.
  • Easy: Install the extension and use the PediaPress collection and rendering services
  • Install your own collection and rendering services
Language support Many
Status stable
First release date
Last release date (as of !)
Last version number
Programming language PHP, Python
Website home page
Support websites web site, web site
Example websites
Last edited

<pageby nominor="false" comments="false"/>


The Mediawiki collection extension allows a user to organize personal selections of pages in a collection. For an educational or academic wiki, this is a must-have extension. E.g. you could use to create print manuals and textbooks or also to valorize student productions at the end of year (hey "daddy" we made a book...)

Collections can be:

There are two major levels of installation/configuration

  • Just install the Mediawiki extension and use PediaPress free rendering service (ok for low volume wikis)
  • Install your own rendering services (that requires much more work)

This page includes some centralized help links and installation tips made for our own use - Daniel K. Schneider 16:31, 4 May 2009 (UTC).

See also:

Help pages

Documentation entry page at PediaPress

Help (can also be used for informal bug reports)

Information about the collection extension and related server-side software

Installing the whole suite requires some installation skills, but should go fairly smoothly on any Unix system and should be easy on a Debian-based Linux.

Collection Mediawiki extension installation and tuning

If you own a small MediaWiki and do not plan to customize PDF rendering, all you need is this extension. If you use this service often and/or you plan to tweak, then you also have to install the rendering servers. See the sections below.

Base installation of the extension

The collection extension installs like any other Mediawiki extensions. Really easy with Mediawiki=> 1.14 (Spring 2009).

(1) Installing

Get it from Extension:Collection on

You may try the latest version, however sometimes it doesn't work with your MW installation. E.g. it breaks for MW 1.16.4 on April 20 2011. Get it from GIT

cd extensions
git clone

Formerly, the code was available in SVN

svn checkout



You then can just leave all the defaults and the PDF will be generated by PediaPress. However, if you have a slow server or a high traffic server, you also should install a local render server (read the whole rest of this page). When we first installed this extensions in 2008, the Pediapress server did loose pages due to server overload. By now, this problem should be fixed (not tested ....)

(2) Tuning

If you have and old and slow server, I suggest changing the file Collection.i18n.php and change the string (adjust to the power of your server)

'coll-rendering_text' => "<p><strong>Please wait while the document is being generated.
Depending on the size of book you may have to wait 5, 10, 15 minutes or longer.

'coll-save_collection_text'       => 'Choose a storage location for your book and enter a name:',
(3) Permissions (important !)

If you want users to be able to save and to share collections, add these permission to file Localsettings.php:

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveasuserpage'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveascommunitypage'] = true;

or maybe:

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveasuserpage'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['collectionsaveascommunitypage'] = true;
(4) Templates and categories for "books" pages

You should define the following (language-dependant) templates and categories:

  • Template:Saved_book (Grab a copy from a wikipedia and modify).
  • Category:Books
  • Category:Book tool (not really needed)
(5) Conditional inclusion (after June 2013 version)

For content that is not supposed to be included in the PDF use the css class "noprint":

 <div class="noprint">blub noprint</div>

For content that is only supposed to be visible in PDFs and not in the wiki do the following:

<div class="onlyinprint">blob only in print</div>

This css class is ignored by the PDF renderer and thus displayed normally in the PDF. If you modify your Mediawiki css file to include.

.onlyinprint {display: none}

the content will not be visible in the wiki.

Have to further investigate after upgrading (to do) - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 12:09, 8 June 2013 (CEST)

(5) Conditional inclusion in older installations (ignore)

This applies to the old, before June 2013 version !!!!

For conditional inclusion of text within articles you must define these templates (inspired from the french wikipedia, the English uses some parser extension which we probably should also install and test at some point - Daniel K. Schneider)

Template:Hide in print:

 <includeonly><span class="noprint">{{{1}}}</span></includeonly>

Template:Only in print:

 <includeonly><span class="hidden">{{{1}}}</span></includeonly>

Then, edit MediaWiki:Common.css and add the following CSS rule:

.hidden {display:none}

Tweaking the collection extension

Also read again README.txt !

Add in Localsettings.php (if not already done) the rendering engines you will support. In case you also installed a local rendering server, typing mw-render --list-writers will list the ones you installed.

Example setting for Localsettings.php:

$wgCollectionFormats = array(
          'rl' => 'PDF',
          'odf' => 'ODT',

In Localsettings.php, if not already done so, add the name and port of the server (alternatively you also could install a cgi script).

$wgCollectionMWServeURL = "http://xxx.yyy:8899";

Extra stuff:

For the license, make sure to give the correct RAW wiki URL. Or if this doesn't work, remove the line and the user will see a URL.

$wgLicenseURL = "";

Limit number of articles that a book can contain, e.g.

$wgCollectionMaxArticles = 150;

mwlib and servers installation on Ubuntu

Tested in this server, using Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS and Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (server editions)

At the time of writing (dec 2012 / august 2013), the manual at PediaPress is fine and should include everything a system person needs to know. However, since I am not a system administrator, I have to write down what I do, since it helps me understanding and make things go faster for upgrades. In addition, the manual suggest running some kind of virtual Python environment. The solution below is simpler, but probably not as safe.

In the past, Pediapress had a single server called mw-serve. That solution is now deprecated. As of 2012, mwlib refers to a whole series of software that will allow:

  • to to extract wikipages to zip files
  • do your own PDF/etc rendering from those zip's
  • Send the zips to PediaPress for printing

This section describes the easy way, however easy does not mean real easy if you got lot's of older junk in your python library. Be prepared to uninstall and upgrade older libraries. In my Ubuntu they sit here:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (formerly, for 10.04, python 2.6)


Have root access and become root (or use 'sudo ...')

You must have python installed plus the pip packaging manager

apt-get install python
apt-get install python-pip

pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages, such as those found in the Python Package Index. It's a replacement for easy_install that was used in the past.

In 2013 (Ubutu Precision and Python 2.7)

wget -O - | python
cd /src (or some other place)
curl -O

Note: In 2012, since the Ubuntu version was outdated, I took a fresh one (i.e. pip-2.6)

git clone
cd pip
python install

The commands above will install an executable called pip-2.7 to /usr/local/bin/.

There are many other dependencies, but since I installed prior versions of mwlib I can't remember. In any case, if run into trouble, you really have to make sure that everything is updated on your server.

Ubuntu does not necessarily upgrade to the latest version. Below is a nice example. After upgrading the system to Ubuntu Precision, mwlib was broken. I tried to reinstall mwlib and got this:

 Command /usr/bin/python -c "import setuptools;__file__='/tmp/pip_build_root/gevent/';exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-bGFORu-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip_build_root/gevent
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/pip", line 9, in <module>
    load_entry_point('pip==1.4.1', 'console_scripts', 'pip-2.7')()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/", line 148, in main
    return command.main(args[1:], options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/", line 169, in main
    text = '\n'.join(complete_log)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)

The following helped:

apt-get install libevent-dev
apt-get install python-all-dev
pip install greenlet
pip install gevent

In addition, as mentioned above, you may have to install lots of ubuntu packages.

apt-get install libjpeg-dev
apt-get install liblcms-dev
apt-get install webp
apt-get install tcl tk

Pediapress suggest the following for the older 10.04 LTS Ubuntu version.

apt-get install -y gcc g++ make python python-dev python-virtualenv   \
 libjpeg-dev libz-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms-dev                   \
 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev                                             \
 ocaml-nox git-core                                                  \
 python-imaging python-lxml                                          \
 texlive-latex-recommended ploticus dvipng imagemagick               \


pip install -i pil
pip install -i mwlib
: This will take some time, since files have to be compiled
pip install -i mwlib.rl

This may not work at all, since dependencies are not met. I had a longer list :(

For each missing piece, try to upgrade, e.g. for apipkg:

 pip install --upgrade apipkg

In addition, you may have to remove packages, see below. You also may have to remove/reinstall mwlib and mwlib.rl if you did something wrong ...

After fixing missing dependencies, e.g. a missing image library, you may have to force upgrade. Successfully installed python packages that will break during runtime, will not upgrade without --force-reinstall.

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall -i pil
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall -i mwlib
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall -i mwlib.rl

Uninstalling old/useless and interfering python packages

Only works with a recent version of pip, e.g. pip-2.6 or better !!


pip uninstall package_name

Sometimes, you may just have to remove packages manually (probably older not finished installs ?)

cd /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages
rm -r package_name

.... but this is not recommended IMHO


Get something from Wikipedia (this is the default)

mw-zip -c :en -o Acdc Number
mw-render -c -o test.pdf -w rl

Look at test.pdf and enjoy ....

xpdf test.pdf

Try it on yours:

mw-zip -c -o Mediawiki_collection_extension_installation
mw-render -c -o test2.pdf -w rl
xpdf test2.pdf


pip install -i --upgrade mwlib
pip install -i --upgrade mwlib.rl

Running the render servers

On the machine

The following will launch the combo. Each program has various options. At least for testing, I suggest to accept the defaults. However, define a cache directory for the nslave.

nserve &
mw-qserve &
# create a directory and make it writable to the user that runs the servers
nslave --cachedir /data/mwcache &
postman --cachedir /data/mwcache &

Note about older versions

  • In earlier versions (e.g. the ones that installed in 2012), the scripts were called,, etc. as opposed to nserve, nslave, etc.
  • After upgrading, make damn sure to fix the script !! (I lost like 2 hours with this ....)

In LocalSettings.php of the wiki

You must add the following line, since by default your wiki will use the PediaPress rendering service:

 $wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";

For example (using the default port):

$wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";

Log information output by the render services

All these servers will write back log information to the console. E.g. if you test creating a simple PDF file you might see something like this (slightly formatted and edited, version with the old file names for scripts.):

=== report Wed Dec 12 14:15:13 2012 ===
have 0 jobs
count: 0
all channels idle

new-collection 1 ''	'rl'
2012-12-12T14:15:14 >> render 9da9af29fbb8b623 rl - [2012-12-12 14:15:14] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 200 0.012274 - [2012-12-12 14:15:14] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 215 0.002743
0 1.42332196236 ['mw-zip', '-o', '/data/mwcache/9d/9da9af29fbb8b623/', 
 '-m', '/data/mwcache/9d/9da9af29fbb8b623/metabook.json', 
 '--status', 'qserve://localhost:14311/9da9af29fbb8b623:makezip', 
 '--config', '', 
 '--template-blacklist', 'MediaWiki:PDF Template Blacklist', 
 '--template-exclusion-category', 'Exclude in print', 
 '--print-template-prefix', 'Print',
 '--print-template-pattern', '$1/Print']
finish: 9da9af29fbb8b623:makezip: None
0 2.253221035 ['mw-render', '-w', 'rl', '-c', '/data/mwcache/9d/9da9af29fbb8b623/', 
 '-o', '/data/mwcache/9d/9da9af29fbb8b623/output.rl', 
 '--status', 'qserve://localhost:14311/9da9af29fbb8b623:render-rl', 
 '--template-blacklist', 'MediaWiki:PDF Template Blacklist', 
 '--template-exclusion-category', 'Exclude in print', 
 '--print-template-prefix', 'Print', '--print-template-pattern', '$1/Print', 
 '--language', 'en']
finish: 9da9af29fbb8b623:render-rl: 
 {'url': '', 
  'suggested_filename': 'Mediawiki collection extension installation',
  'size': 125658}

watchdog: dropped 0 jobs, marked 2 jobs with a deadline
=== report Wed Dec 12 14:15:33 2012 ===
have 2 jobs
count: 2
all channels idle
=== report Wed Dec 12 14:16:53 2012 ===
have 2 jobs
count: 2
all channels idle - - [2012-12-12 14:16:59] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 565 0.039982 - - [2012-12-12 14:17:01] "POST / HTTP/1.0" 200 565 0.002620 - - [2012-12-12 14:17:01] "GET /cache/9d/9da9af29fbb8b623/output.rl HTTP/1.0" 200 125919 0.001031

Killing jobs launched from a terminal jobs

[1]   Running        &  (wd: /data/portails/mediawiki)
[2]   Running                 mw-qserve &  (wd: /data/portails/mediawiki)
[3]-  Running        --cachedir /data/mwcache &
[4]+  Running        --cachedir /data/mwcache &

kill %1 kill %2 etc.

Installing a script

You could imagine redirecting logfiles to a log file, running the processes under a better user than root and also writing a start/stop script in case you boot.

In fact, Pediapress suggests using runit for process supervision. daemontools is similar solution. Another alternative is to use supervisor. The advantage of such a solution is that processes are automatically restarted after a process dies (that can happen for various reasons). Installing supervisor is what I personally would attempt since it doesn't seem to interfere much with standard practice from what I could understand and it doesn't look too complicated. Anyhow, in the meantime I made this script (suggestions welcome, I really am not a sysadmin)


  • Have a user you can run the processes with. E.g. yourself. I just used www-data
  • Make sure that the log file directory is writable by this user
chown -R /data/mwcache www-data:www-data

File /etc/init.d/mw-serve (yes I just recycled the old mw-serve file)

#! /bin/bash


case "$1" in
	su - www-data -c 'nserve >> /data/mwcache/log.txt 2>&1  &'
	su - www-data -c 'mw-qserve >> /data/mwcache/log.txt 2>&1 &'
	su - www-data -c 'nslave --cachedir /data/mwcache/ >> /data/mwcache/log.txt 2>&1 &'
	su - www-data -c 'postman --cachedir /data/mwcache/ >> /data/mwcache/log.txt 2>&1 &'
	mv /data/mwcache/log.txt /data/mwcache/log.old
	killall nserve
	killall mw-qserve
        killall nslave
        killall postman
    $0 stop
    $0 start
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/mw-serve {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0


  • For larger servers you need to multiply .... read the official manual
  • For better quality of service, you must run the scripts with a process supervisor software (See the manual).

Manual mwlib installation on Ubuntu

Written in 2010: It concerns the deprecated mw-serve collection and render server.

Again, mwlib is mot needed if you have a fast server and want to use the pediapress server and don't need the lasted tip of the code and don't want to customize.

Below are some installation notes (quick and dirty for now). Install is done by a user with admin rights not root (Ubuntu fashion):

Looking at the versions:

The repository is here:


  • Python
  • Cython
apt-get install cython

Installing mwlib

Before installing, you might edit mwlib/ around line 100 a tag to exclude extensions tags used and that can't be handled by mwlib, e.g. at some point I had to exclue manually: 'pageby', 'uml', 'graphviz', 'categorytree', 'summary' (but since sometimes end of 2009 this is fixed).

   sudo aptitude install make g++ perl python python-dev python-setuptools python-imaging re2c
   sudo aptitude install git-core
   git clone git://
   cd mwlib
   sudo python build
   sudo python install

Install mwlib.rl

(with a variant in procedure, i.e. we create a new directory where git will put the files)

   git clone git://
   sudo python build install

Install the source code formatting package from (debian packet: python-pygments)

   sudo aptitude install python-pygments

Install extra fonts

   sudo aptitude install ttf-indic-fonts ttf-unfonts ttf-farsiweb ttf-arphic-uming ttf-gfs-artemisia ttf-sil-ezra ttf-thai-arundina linux-libertine

In file

 font_paths = [os.path.dirname(mwlib.fonts.__file__),

This under the assumption that the fonts are in the directory mwlib.rl.hg/mwlib/fonts or ~/mwlibfonts/ of the user that installs or root if you install as root.

Check what it can render

  mw-render --list-writers

You then can configure the mediawiki extension accordingly

Install tables of contents for mwlib.rl

 apt-get install pdftk

This will produce a visible TOC in the beginning of the book if installed (nothing else to do, mwlib.rl will detect this library). So far this TOC does not have hyperlinks (but users can open the bookmarks to the left in order to navigate)

Configure styling

Customizing the resulting PDFs is possible by adding a custom configuration file. The file needs to named and should reside next to the file. Basically you can override anything in the file with your custom configuration.

Since I don't talk Python, I just modified /mwlib.rl/mwlib/rl/ in the source, i.e. added the third line below to make font for codes smaller :)

   if mode == 'source' or mode == 'preformatted':
       style.fontName = mono_font   
       style.fontSize = small_font_size

Then rebuild and reinstall.

Updating mwlib and mwlib.rl

This is one way of doing it:

ssh to your server as root (else add "sudo" to each line ...)
cd path-to/src
  • consider creating a backup of the old source
mv mwlib mwlib.old
mv mwlib.rl mwlib.rl.old
  • Get and install mwlib
git clone git://
cd mwlib
python build install
cd ..
  • Then get and install mwlib.rl (the PDF renderer)
git clone git://
cd mwlib.rl
python build install

Running mw-serv (the old Pediapress rendering server)

(deprecated as of 2012 !!)

mw-serve provided a server interface for the mw-render engine and mw-zip.

Run the server

Type in a console:

mw-serve --cache-dir=/data/mwcache/mwlibcache/ --logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwserve.log --mwrender-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwrender.log --mwzip-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwzip.log --mwpost-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwpost.log --mwzip-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwzip.log

An init script

If you are happy with your server, you should make it start up automatically, e.g. do the following:

Create a user, e.g. something like

useradd -u 70002 -g 16100 -s /bin/sh -d /data/mwcache mwserv

Chown the cache and log directories to this user

chown -R mwserv mwcache/

/etc/init.d script

see the example at Add it to appropriate run-levels with chkconfig (see man chkconfig)

Here is a simple script that can do:

#! /bin/bash



test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

case "$1" in
/usr/local/bin/mw-serve --cache-dir=/data/mwcache/mwlibcache/ --logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwserve.log --mwrender-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwrender.log --mwzip-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwzip.log --mwpost-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwpost.log --mwzip-logfile=/data/mwcache/logs/mwzip.log&
	killall mw-serve #ou rien 
    $0 stop
    $0 start
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/mw-serve {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0

Tips for creating wiki books

Creating a serious book

It is best just to "hand edit" a stored book. E.g. you may start by adding a category or isolated articles to a book with the collection interface, but once you got most of the articles:

  • Save the book
  • Then select it from the category:books and then just edit the page in the "normal way". The structure and syntax to respect is demonstrated by the following example:
== My Book ==
=== Example ===
:[[First article]]
:[[Second article]]
:[[Third article|This article renamed in the book]]
:[[Fourth article]]
:[[Fifth article]]
:[{{fullurl:Sixth article|oldid=20}}Sixth article version:20]

Install the Mediawiki source extension

If you have articles that include computer source code (XML, ActionScipt or whatever), you also should install the source extension (CodeSyntaxHighlight MediaWiki for formatting computer code.

If you use XML within "pre" tags, the parser may become confused.

Also, the printed Pediapress book will look much prettier. Editing all your wiki pages may represent work, but user reading the on-line pages also will be grateful, colored and indented code is really much more readable !

Pictures and drawings

(1) Readjust some image sizes

(I'll have to be more precise about this, but I'll first need to analyze both a wiki book I got and the generated PDF...)

  • Don't use large pictures when smaller ones are readable
  • Create screendumps from smallest possible areas if you plan to show hairy details (see also the screen capture tutorial).

(2) Color Printed PDF is mostly grey (affordable Pediapress books certainly are). E.g. when you create drawings or annotate images with text, you should make sure that shades of grey still allow to identify critical elements. A related very difficult issue is writing the text. Avoid writing about "blue" and "green" arrows and "green" or "yellow" dots ...

  • To select colors that show on gray printers, you may use a color scheme designer such as and simulate color vision deficiency with "full colorblindness". Else print your drawing, before you import to wiki.
  • A radical solution is to use gray images already upfront in the wiki. This way you are sure to get it somewhat right. Note: "grey" is spelled "gray" in CSS and X11.

Stuff that the parser doesn't handle well

As of mid May 2009 (so this may change)

  • Some extensions (like graphwiz) are not supported, see above. There is no solution for this, except not using these.
  • Some extensions that are not supported wont' matter, e.g. pageby. But you will have to modify the source code for filtering if you own your own server (see above) or file a request.
  • &nbsp; prints "as is", therefore avoid! Use ":" and "::" etc. to indent lines for example
  • Source code (either within "pre" or "source" tags that follow a picture will be printed over the picture. Probable reason. The renderer will reduce a picture and try to wrap text around it. Source code cannot be wrapped or not as well. Workaround: Move the image either 20 lines above or after the code.

Conditional inclusion/exclusion

This section is outdated, needs to be adjusted to using CSS - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 12:27, 26 August 2013 (CEST)

Warning: This wasn't tested with Pediapress. If you plan to buy a book, use these on the very first pages, then have a look at the preview.

1) Exclude templates

You may exclude any template from the PDF generation you wish by adding them to the Category:Exclude in print. Use with care, since this will filter for all users !

2) Exclude certain specific content

By using Template:Hide in print, certain specific content, such as a few words or an image, can be excluded from printing.

This content will be printed.{{Hide in print|This content will not be printed.}}This content will be printed.

Alternative solution: use the class="noprint" within a div or span tag.

3) Include certain specific content only in print versions The Template:Only in print can be used to insert content that shall only be visible in offline versions.

Example: print this and display it in the browser {{Only in print|this is only in PDFs or printed books visible, not with the browser}} this is visible in the browser and in print as well.

Alternative solution: use the class="hidden" within a div or span tag.

4) Substitute templates

You can create a print version of a template under the name "TEMPLATENAME/Print" with TEMPLATENAME being the name of the original template.

(more to come ....) - Daniel K. Schneider 12:54, 20 May 2009 (UTC)