Portalware is software to build various kinds of portals. It's a kind of server software that is usually installed within a webserver / database combo, e.g. LAMP.
Small and free CMS
(CMS in the more narrow sense)
- Big systems
- Some enterprise portals offer CMS functionality
- Others focus on content management, but are rather difficult to configure
Small CMS
We call most of these C3MS (since they allow to manage content, communities and collaboration). In pure CMS functionality, most are rather weak. Here is a list of popular open source software:
- News engines
- C3MS
- phpnuke & postnuke: PHP & MySQL
- drupal: PHP & MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQL server...
- midgard: PHP
- plone: Python/Zope
- Mambo Server: PHP and MySQL
- Joomla: fork of mambo server. PHP and MySQL
- CMSimple Content Management: no database needed, PHP powered
"Web 2.0" systems
Not sure what that web 2.0 means, but we usually mean a subset of social software and integrators like webtops. It also relates to things like the virtual office (aka office 2.0), etc. Most well known systems are:
Special purpose systems for education
Many portals designed for education (both e-learning and blended designs) do have CMS components. In particular an authoring tool to edit educational materials.
Not that these systems are the only ones used in education, you may use all of the above in particular in more constructivist designs, e.g. project-oriented learning or writing-to-learn.