Self-regulated strategy development model

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The Self-Regulated Strategy Development Model (SRSD) is an implementation model for Cognitive strategy instruction.

The model is based on research work by Graham, Harris, Read, Ryan, Short et al. According to Read (2005) “The goal of SRSD is to make the use of strategies habitual, flexible, and automatic. This can take a lot of time, practice, and effort.The SRSD model is very comprehensive. This ensures that crucial steps are not overlooked.”

The model

Stage 1: Develop and Activate Background Knowledge

Stage 2: Discuss the Strategy

Stage 3: Model the Strategy

Stage 4: Memorize the Strategy

Stage 5: Support the Strategy

Stage 6: Independent Performance


See the [Story grammar (PDF)] (according to Short and Ryan, 1984),



  • Graham, S., Harris, K.R., & Reid, R. (1992). Developing self-regulated learners. Focus on Exceptional Children, 24 (6), 1-16.
  • Reid, R., Schmidt, T., Harris, K. R., & Graham, S. (1997). Cognitive strategy instruction: Developing self-regulated Learners. Reclaiming Children and Youth 6, 97-102.
  • Graham, S., Harris, K. R., Loynachan, C. (1994). The spelling for writing list. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27, 210-214.
  • Read, Bob (2005). Cognitive Strategy Instruction, UNL, University of Nebraska. retrieved from HTML (15:40, 25 May 2006 (MEST)).
  • Harris, K. R. & Schmidt, T. (1997). Learning self-regulation in the classroom. ADHD Report, 5(2), 1-6.
  • Harris, K. R. & Schmidt, T. (1998). Developing self-regulation does not equal selfinstructional training: Reply to Braswell. ADHD Report, 6(2), 7-11.
  • Harris, K. R. & Pressley, M. (1991). The nature of cognitive strategy instruction: Interactive strategy construction. Exceptional Children, 57, 392 - 404.
  • Short, E.J., & Ryan, E.B. (1984). Metacognitive differences between skilled and less skilled readers: Remediating deficits through story grammar and attribution training. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 225-235.