Mixed reality

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Mixed Reality is the merging of real world and virtual worlds to produce a new environment where physical and digital objects can co-exist and interact. A mix of augmented reality and virtual reality. (Wikipedia).

See also: ubiquitous computing since some mixed reality environments are implemented with mobile devices.

Types of systems

Benford identifies 3 major lines of research

  • (Some kinds of) Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)
  • (Some kinds of) Telepresence systems
  • Collaborative Augmented Environments

See shared spaces for Benford's typology of shared spaces.


  • Benford, S., Greenhalgh, C., Reynard, G., Brown, C., and Koleva, B. (1998). Understanding and constructing shared spaces with mixed-reality boundaries. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 5, 3 (Sep. 1998), 185-223. DOI= Abstract/PDF (Access restricted)
  • Benford, Steve and Chris Greenhalgh and Chris Brown and Boriana Koleva (1998b). Understanding and Constructing Shared Spaces with Mixed Reality Boundaries. TOCHI Paper, March 13 1998 PDF
  • Hughes, C.E. Stapleton, C.B. Hughes, D.E. Smith, E.M. (2005), Mixed reality in education, entertainment, and training, Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, Volume: 25, Issue: 6, page(s): 24- 30. Abstract/PDF (Access restricted)
  • Nova, Nicolas, Socio-cognitive functions of space in collaborative settings: a literature review about Space, Cognition and Collaboration, CRAFT Research Report, EPFL. PDF
  • Romero, L. and Correia, N. 2003. HyperReal: a hypermedia model for mixed reality. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Nottingham, UK, August 26 - 30, 2003). HYPERTEXT '03. ACM Press, New York, NY, 2-9. Abstract/PDF (Access restricted)