Educational badges

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We probably could distinguish between two types of badges: badges that certify skills and achievement through a recognized technology and badges that provide testimony for anything.

Formal badges

In education, batches usually are meant to provide recognition for a skill that has be learnt in some place. Such badges include links that provide extra information about the skill that is recognized, information about the entity that issues the badge, and the rules for getting the badge. I.e. a badge can be traced back to the institution that issued the badge and it should precisely tell what it is meant for. Educational badges have an issuer (institution that testifies), the earner (learner) and a displayer (site that displays a badge).

According to the Mozilla Badges FAQ:

  • A badge is a digital representation of a skill, learning achievement or experience.
  • Badges can represent competencies and involvements recognized in online or offline life.
  • Each badge is associated with an image and some metadata. The metadata provides information about what the badge represents and the evidence used to support it.
  • Earners can display their badges online and can share badge information through social networks.

“'badge' is a symbol or indicator of an accomplishment, skill, quality or interest. From the Boy and Girl Scouts, to PADI diving instruction, to the more recently popular geo-location game, Foursquare, badges have been successfully used to set goals, motivate behaviors, represent achievements and communicate success in many contexts. A “digital badge” is an online record of achievements, tracking the recipient’s communities of interaction that issued the badge and the work completed to get it. Digital badges can support connected learning environments by motivating learning and signaling achievement both within particular communities as well as across communities and institutions.” (Open Badges for Lifelong Learning, retrieved 15:10, 14 March 2012 (CET)).

Other badges

Sometimes in education, badges are used to "tag" all sorts of elements of a learning environment, e.g. learners, teachers, pedagogy. A batch can represent all sorts of information. For example, it could summarize achievements, opinions, interests, etc. Badges can be physical, graphics within print text, elements of web pages, etc. Web badges can be machine readable, e.g. be designed for information harvesting and digital authentication.


The MozillaWiki distinguises among the following types of badges:

See also:

Badges for authenticated assessment, achievements and skills

“To date the open education movement has focused almost exclusively on the production and sharing of content. Significant opportunities exist to reform or reinvent other, non-content portions of the education ecosystem with the support of open content. One of the areas ripest for innovation is alternative certification of informal learning. Hence, the recent excitement about badges. Badges have incredible potential for providing a viable alternative to the traditional system of credits most universities are tied to by accreditors. It seems to me that there is a critical need for someone to demonstrate that badges are a viable alternative to the traditional accreditation process.” Or Equivalent, by David Wiley, 2011, retrieved 15:10, 14 March 2012 (CET).

The Mozilla foundation white paper on Open Badges for Lifelong Learning (2011) identifies the following areas that badges could support:

  1. Capturing and translating the learning across contexts:
    • Capturing of the Learning Path: Badges could capture and explicitly represent a more specified set of skills and qualities as they occur along the learning path, and could also track a broader, and perhaps more granular, set of skills.
    • Achievement Signaling – Badges can represent skills or achievements and thus signal peers or outside stakeholders, such as potential employers or institutions
  2. Encouraging and motivating participation and learning outcomes:
    • Motivation – Badges can provide intrinsic feedback or serve as milestones or rewards throughout a course or learning experience to encourage continued engagement and retention. Badges could make learners aware of skills or topics and encourage them to go down new paths or to spend more time trying to develop those skills.
    • Supporting Innovation and Flexibility – Badges can be used to capture a wide range of skills, including those that are often missed or ignored by formal channels, or newer skills like digital literacies that evolve with the ever-changing society.
  3. Formalizing and enhancing existing social aspects of informal and interest-driven learning:
    • Identity/Reputation Building – Badges can serve as mechanisms to encourage and promote identity within the learning community, as well as reputation among peers.
    • Community Building/Kinship – Badges can signal community or sub-community membership and can help people find peers with similar interests or mentors to help teach them skills they lack.

(Excerpts from the 1/23/12 version of Open Badges for Lifelong Learning, retrieved 15:10, 14 March 2012 (CET))

An slightly different view is provided in the Open Badges FAQ. Badges can: Signal achievement, Recognize informal learning, Transfer learning across spaces and contexts, Capture more specific skills than traditional degrees, Support greater specialization and innovation, Allow greater diversity, Motivate participation and learning outcomes, Allow multiple pathways to learning, Unlock privileges, Enhance your identity and reputation, Build community and social capital, Capture the learning path and history, Recognize new skills and literacies, and Provide a more complete picture of the learner.

The document also emphasizes that there is information behind the badge, including:

  • who issued the badge
  • the issue date
  • how the badge was earned
  • hyperlinks back to artifacts, documents, or testimonials demonstrating the work that lead to earning the badge.
  • authentication back to the issuer

Related to authentication and linked extra information is the idea that badges must be issued by a source. The same Open Badges FAQ lists as examples:

  • Traditional educational institutions
  • Professional bodies (e.g. doctors, engineers, accountants)
  • International credential assessment agencies
  • Non-formal, community learning organizations (e.g. Adult Basic Education, Literacy, Employment agencies)
  • Communities of practice (e.g., open education projects, peer learners, or the individual learners themselves)
  • After-school programs and learning networks
  • Online courses and open courseware initiatives
  • Companies/organizations that employ people

There are privacy and expiration issues that also must be addressed by a badging system. The Mozilla framework (also introduced below) defines a Badge Backpack that “is the core repository for the digital badge data and the management interface on top. Each user will have his/her own Badge Backpack, accessible only to him/her, where s/he can view all her badges, set privacy controls, create groups and share them.”

Badges are not just a technology that represents a merge between boy scout/army badges and web 2.0 strategies like gamification. Some stakeholders also defend new pedagogies and new ways of thinking about continous education. E.g. the Mozilla Mozilla foundation's proposal is aligned with the connected learning initiative.

Badges for describing one's skills, possessions, beliefs, etc.

Badges can be used for various kinds of inventories.

For example, on the Thingiverse social sharing web site (digital designs for real, physical objects), users can in their profile define what kind of tools they own and therefore also implicitly define what they can build.

Tools owned by DKS (screenshot of a Thingiverse user page

Social networking services like Facebook do provide badges that you can use on other websites, e.g. the "I like" button. Linkedin allows users in their profile to define a list of skills and expertises. Below is a rather randomly created list for the main author of this entry:

List of skills displayed at LinkedIn within a user profile

These examples show inventories that some may not qualify as lists of batches since they were created and authorized by the user. However, they do offer the same kind of functionality, i.e. visually tag a person with links that point directly or indirectly to skills.

McCrea's Pedagogy badges

Peps Mccrea (University of Brighton) and Jeremy Burton, in the 2012 JISC JISC elevator contest, proposed pedagogy badges. Their purpose are:

  • Become more aware of their current e-learning and blended practice
  • Become more aware of their desired practice, and how this differs from the above
  • Become more aware of the pedagogical affordances of technology for teaching and learning
  • Have better discussions about how we teach
  • Change the way we teach

(retrieved March 14, 2012)

The initial proposal (to be refined) was made through a video of which we should a screen capture below. To the right is the initial sketch of a palette allowing to describe a pedagogy and to the left, an example activity tagged with some of these badges.

Screen shot of the initial 2012 JISC promotion


I like the idea of creating a simple palette of icons for describing pedagogical scenarios, i.e. some compromise between over-simplistic big categories and complex learning taxonomies à la DialogPlus. Of course, this idea must be tested first (1) with respect to its expressiveness, (2) whether normal teachers can use it and (3) and whether others could read the icons. After usability is ok, it's in the open whether it could be adopted or not. - Daniel K. Schneider 15:10, 14 March 2012 (CET)

Notation systems and software

Mozilla OpenBadges

Mozilla OpenBadges set the standard (by 2013/2014).

Open Badges are:

  • Free and open: Mozilla Open Badges is not proprietary. It’s free software and an open technical standard any organization can use to create, issue and verify digital badges.
  • Transferable: Collect badges from multiple sources, online and off, into a single backpack. Then display your skills and achievements on social networking profiles, job sites, websites and more.
  • Stackable: Whether they’re issued by one organization or many, badges can build upon each other and be stacked to tell the full story of your skills and achievements.
  • Evidence-based: Open Badges are information-rich. Each badge has important metadata which is hard-coded into the badge image file itself that links back to the issuer, criteria and verifying evidence.

Open Badges make it easy to:

  • Get recognition for the things you learn;
  • Give recognition for the things you teach;
  • Verify skills; and
  • Display your verified badges across the web.

(MozillaWiki, retrieved April 23, 2014)

The Mozilla OpenBadges project proposes the following architecture: “Any Badge Issuer (for example, an after-school program, free online course, or vocational institute) can award Badges to learners like you. Learners/users can then collect and manage their badges in a Badge Backpack. This makes it easy to display your skills and achievements across a range of different Display Sites -- from your personal resume or web site, to social networking profiles, to employment sites.”, retrieved 18:52, 14 March 2012 (CET).

Mozilla Early picture of the Open Badge Infrastructure. Source (2012)

OpenBadges Specification

The Specification as of April 2014, includes several parts:

  • The Assertion defines the main specification for the badge data, i.e. how badges are made and verified. There exist two variants: signed and hosted badges, but their content is the same and includes six categories of about 30 fields.
  • The Baking is the process of embedding a badge assertion into an image (a PNG or an SVG) so that where ever that image goes, the assertion data goes with it and the badge can be independently verified.
  • The Backpack defines a web site/application that can take in & export badges. As of April 2014, this specification does not yet exist.

Software for Endusers

  • Some LMS, e.g. Moodle (> 2.5) provide openBadges support
  • Mozilla Backpack provides a virtual place where you can store badges.

Software for developers

Mozilla provides several foundational tools to make the badging process easy. The source code and the technical specifications are available from several places, for example.

Search Mozilla's Github for "badge" or, better, start from the documentation in the Mozilla Wiki.

Designing badges


Visually, Badges first appear as icons. These icons are also buttons, i.e. display further information when the user clicks on them. Depending on the context of use, there are some visual rules with respect to size.

Typical badge sizes, according to Wikipedia are:


E.g. the badges used by a Mediawiki to display technology and licenses are 88x31 pixels (see the bottom of this page). The same Wikipedia page also indexed some badge generation tools. See also its Icon and Widget toolkit articles.

Creating badges in Moodle

Moodle badges (starting with version 2.5) can be exported to the Mozilla Backpack.

Read Moodle for some more information.



Technical frameworks

As achievement indicator

For qualifying artifacts

Examples in education

Other examples