Constructivist emotionally-oriented model

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  • Constructivist emotionally-oriented (CEO) is a "model of web-based learning which emphasizes safety, challenge, and new thinking, and offers several strategies to enhance the emotional experience of learners."
  • The CEO model of web-based education emphasizes safety, challenge and new thinking and includes several strategies to enhance the emotional experience of learners.
  • Emotions have been neglected in education and online education, in favor of a heavy emphasis on cognition and rationality. (MacFadden, 2005: Abstract).

The Model




Potential Feelings of Learners


To create a safe learning environment that facilitates risk taking and examining ones ways of thinking

Construct rules to foster free communication

    and ensure safety. Monitoring of communication to ensure compliance 
and safety

Safety, support & acceptance


To provide the opportunity for participants to critically examine their knowledge and world views

Introduce exercises and processes that allow participants to step outside their existing ways of thinking

Disequilibrium, confusion, anxiety, frustration in a context of safety support & acceptance

New thinking

To create opportunities for engaging with new knowledge and gaining new ways of viewing the world

Introduce alternative knowledge and ways of viewing the world

\u201cAh ha!\u201d moments leading to a new equilibrium, satisfaction, exhilaration



  • MacFadden, R.J. Dumbrill, G., Maiter, S. (2000). Web-based education in a graduate faculty of Social Work: Crossing the new frontier. New Technology in the Human Services. Vol. 13, No.2.
  • MacFadden, R. J. (2005). Souls on Ice: Incorporating emotion in web-based education. In R. J. MacFadden, B. Moore, M. Herie, & D. Schoech, (Eds.), Web-based education in the human services: Models, methods, and best practices. (pp. 79-98). NY, London, Victoria: The Haworth Press.
  • MacFadden, R. J., Maiter, S., & Dumbrill, G. D. (2002). High tech and high touch: the human face of online education. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 20(3/4), 238-300.
  • MacFadden, R.J., Herie, M., Maiter, S., Dumbrill, G. (2005). Achieving high touch in high tech: A constructivist, emotionally-oriented model of web-based instruction. Journal of Teaching in Social Work 25 (1/2) 21-44. DOI 10.1300/J067v25n01_02 , ISSN 0884-1233
  • MacFadden, R.J., Herie, M., Maiter, S., Dumbrill, G. (2005). Achieving high touch in high tech: A constructivist, emotionally-oriented model of web-based instruction. In Beaulaurier, R., Haffey, M. Technology in Social Work Education, New York: Haworth Press (same as above)

Additional reading

  • Martin, B., & Briggs, L. (1986). The affective and cognitive domains: Integration for instruction and research. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications
  • Scherer, K., Rimé, B., (1989). Les émotions, Textes de base en Psychologie , Paris:Delachaux et Niestlé.