Main Page
This Wiki has been developped in the framework of eTeach-Net, a joint project involving 9 higher education institutions in Switzerland (UniGE, UniSG, UniBS,USI, ETHZ, SUPSI, BFH, FHNW, ZFH) and also training organizations. eTeach-Net eTeach-Net details, Module 7 "Virtual Projects" and the general purpose of this Wiki.
This Wiki is really under construction which means that the overall organization is still fairly unstable and that most articles seriously lack content, depth, style, authority (or all four together). Since we first would like to reach a certain level of stability we don't yet encourage guests to participate.
Major articles:
- Constructivism
- Socio-constructivism
- Constructionism
- Objectivism
- Inquiry-based learning
- Problem-based learning
- Project-based learning
- WebQuest
- Project-Based and Problem-Based: The same or different?
- Le Monde De Darwin
Educational Technology
This is very provisional for the moment ...
- Educational technology
- Category:Educational technologies
- Category:Instructional design models
- Category:Learning theories
- Category:Affect and motivation
- Category:Educational theories
- Category:Instructional theories
- Category:Pedagogical scenarios
- Category:Research methodologies
- Category:Design methodologies
- Category:Technologies
Welcome to the eTeach-Net wiki@TECFA
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Please see documentation on customizing the interface and the User's Guide for usage and configuration help.
If you are new with wiki technologies, you can make some tests on our SandBox
Some guides and tutorials for wiki edition
Administrative things
(useless for visitors)
- DSpace Keywords
- TECFA meetings (DKS, Stek and roby)
- ToDoList