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Week 2

Topics Covered

  • What do we mean by the Internet ?
  • Web markup, HTTP and web applications
  • Your development environment (Web browser and text editor)
  • Introduction to HTML and XHTML
  • Validation services (if time left)

Teaching materials

What do we mean by the Internet ?
Configuring your Web browser with extensions
Text and HTML editors

See also XML editors, an alternative for XHTML editing


You also may either consult the Reference book (Deitel) or do an online tutorial. Recommended:

HTML elements reference

Classroom activities

  • Q/R HomeWork 1
  • Lecture: What do we mean by Internet and the World-Wide Web
  • Browser configuration
  • Introduction to XHTML
  • Coding with NoteTab light
  • Validation
  • Adding/editing HTML fragments to/in on-line services with through the web editors

Homework 2

Task: Create a little HTML page that evaluates a web design at CSS Zen Garden

  1. Go (Zen Garden)
  2. Pick two designs that you like and one that you dislike
  3. Create an HTML page (either in HTML 4.01 strict or XHTML 1.x stict) and write down your (short) analysis
  4. Keep to simple tags (e.g. h1,h2,p,ul,ol,a,p) and don't try to make it look good


  1. Your page should be valid HTML/XHTML strict (either use the HTML validator of the editor, an online tool or the Firefox extension to validate)
  2. You must a include two screenshots


  • Upload the html file to the worldclassroom before start of the Wednesday week 3 lesson