Portal: citizen science

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Revision as of 18:40, 9 September 2013 by Dacostj7 (talk | contribs)
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Citizen science is scientific research with the participation of amateurs. Participants can provide computing power (and other resources), collect data, classify data, analyze data or sometimes participate more actively in the research. In other terms, one could distinguish between volunteer computing, volunteer thinking, volonteer sensing, volonteer gaming and extreme (participatory) citizen science.

The citizen science article contains some notes that were taken in order to prepare the project.

Below you can add new citizen science project, infrastructure and software. Infrastructure refers to some kind of central service, or even web site which centralize a number of citizen science projects (As Zooniverse or Crowdcrafting). Software are programs, codes, tools, allowing to build citizen science project (as Pybossa).


Actually this wiki contains:

33 citizen science projects
15 citizen science infrastructures
11 citizen science softwares

All citizen science pages

Warning: We currently are still designing the forms and templates. Contents, right now, are just for testing... Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 14:58, 1 August 2013 (CEST).

Query projects

under construction ... the form hasn't been designed yet - 15:25, 27 July 2013 (CEST) Special:RunQuery/Citizen science project query

To do

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... however this page shall be semantic :)