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POME - "prepare - organize - monitor - evaluate" is a simple instructional design model that emphasis self-regulation.

The model

Ley and Young distinguish four kinds of self-regulation activity categories that a course designer has to look at. That means preparing self-regulation guidance activities for the learners.

Ley & Young POME model, modified and reprinted with permission by Kathryn Ley
Prepare (environmental structuring)

... the learning environment to concentrate and attend the learning process.

  • E.g. provide checklists of study environments and strategies to cope with distraction and overload through multi-tasking.
Organize (organizing and transforming)

... the study material for studying or as part of the learning process.

  • E.g. Advise students how to arrange or use learning materials, identify key points to learning, optimal learning path, have them complete partial outlines.
Monitor (keeping records, monitoring, reviewing tests)

... the learning process.

  • E.g. Provide students with time needed for activities, detailed assignment tables (calendar), timely regular on-line feedback and assessment.
Evaluate (self evaluation)

... the learning outcomes.

  • E.g. frequent ungraded quizzes, compare effort to learning, identify effective/ineffective learning strategies.


The authors make the point that self-regulation can directly or indirectly be taught, i.e. by providing guidelines on how to plan, behave, etc. and also by engaging students into activities where they are brought to reflect.


Self-regulation strategies - P.O.M.E model Home page, including bibliography, copies of talks and other resources.

PDF Slides

SRL for distance learning - PDF Slides


  • Ley, Kathryn., & Young, D. B. (2001). Instructional principles for self regulation. Educational Technology Research and Development, 49 (2), 93-103.pdf