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Week 2 - COAP 2110
- Motion animation and embedded movie clips
- Introduction to motion animation
- Previews: flash-cs-4-motion-tweening.html
- Handout: Flash CS6 motion tweening tutorial
- Summary: Flash animation summary (optional)
- Guided motion animation (old style, optional)
- Previews: Flying rocket
- Handout: Flash classic motion tweening tutorial
- Moving embedded movie clips
- Previews: flash-cs-6-motion-tweening-a-clip.html
- Handout (optional): Flash embedded movie clip tutorial (only sections 2.1 to 2.4, i.e. skip the ActionScript parts)
Homework 2 - Week 2
- Assignment
Think about a simple animation that you would like to create, e.g. something that could be part of an animated comic strip, of a moving logo, of an explanatory animation, etc.
The Flash file must includes:
- At least one motion tween (animation) of an object
- A motion tween (animation) that includes a frame-by-frame animation (can be the same as the above)
- Some sort of background
- Submission date and format
- To be returned by Monday, at start of week 3 lesson
- Submit the *.fla file
- Upload the file to the world classroom (Blackboard)
- Other constraints
- Reuse of artwork: 1/3 imported but customized, max. 2/3 imported as is. (You also can do everything by yourself).
- You can reuse prior homework.
- The motion animation must be made by yourself.
- Homework projects are individual. If you work with others, make sure that the individual projects differ, i.e. the "reuse of objects" criteria above apply.
- Create a document description (see below)
- Evaluation criteria - bonus and malus points
See grading form
- The document description
You must document your fla file (File->File Info...), i.e. fill in a document description using the the homework template
- Hints
- Go for something that is simple
- Don't forget to add a little frame-by-frame animation of the object that is moving. E.g. a flying bird that flaps its wings or a pulsating logo that moves from the back to the front.
- Type of background depends on your objectives, it can be just a color.
- Use this exercise to prototype some feature of your term project.
- Remember the academic honesty policy ! Homework without credits given to external resources used will be refused.