Our Human Story 2019

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The work will be based on the lecture of "Our Human Story", Louise Humphrey & Chris Stringer, National History Museum, ISBN 978-0-565-09391-4.

Related websites:


  • for each chapter, collaborative work between three groups of students
  • generation of a series of questions that will be asked during the webinar with the authors


Work by groups of two in class and at home… Each group will work on a particular chapter
At the same time, a group from the other bilingual class will work on the same wiki page (chapter) as you… This will implicate that you'll have to collaborate in English with this group for the production of the written document. = interclass approach.
Goal? For each group, the main goal will be to highlight and describe the main points of the chapter you are studying and to generate questions for the webinar.


The semester exam in June will be an oral exam. You'll pick up a question on the book and in relation with my course and you'll have 15 minutes of preparation and then 15 minutes of presentation and discussion.

As you can see, there is a multi-level procedure:

  1. reading of the entire book
  2. chapter analysis in class
  3. question generation
  4. webinar conference with the authors
  5. semester oral exam


1. OHS_2019_Chap1 - Our closest relatives
2. OHS_2019_Chap2 - The first three million years
3. OHS_2019_Chap3 - Australopithecus
4. OHS_2019_Chap4 - Paranthropus
5. OHS_2019_Chap5 - The origins of humans (genus Homo)
6. OHS_2019_Chap6 - Homo sapiens


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