Inquiry-based learning

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Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a project-oriented pedagogic strategy based on constructivist and socio-constructivist theories of learning (Eick & Reed, 2002).

“Inquiry learning is not about memorizing facts - it is about formulation questions and finding appropriate resolutions to questions and issues. Inquiry can be a complex undertaking and it therefore requires dedicated instructional design and support to facilitate that students experience the excitement of solving a task or problem on their own. Carefully designed inquiry learning environments can assist students in the process of transforming information and data into useful knowledge” (Computer Supported Inquiry Learning, retrieved 18:31, 28 June 2007 (MEST).

Inquiry-based learning is often described as a cycle or a spiral, which implies formulation of a question, investigation, creation of a solution or an appropriate response, discussion and reflexion in connexion with results (Bishop et al., 2004). IBL is a student-centered and student-lead process. The purpose is to engage the student in active learning, ideally based on their own questions. Learning activities are organized in a cyclic way, independently of the subject. Each question leads to the creation of new ideas and other questions.

This learning process by exploration of the natural or the constructed/social world leads the learner to questions and discoveries in the seeking of new understandings. With this pedagogic strategy, children learn science by doing it (Aubé & David,2003). The main goal is conceptual change.

L is a [[socio-constructivist]design because of [[ collaborative]work within which the student finds resources, uses tools and resources produced by inquiry partners. Thus, the student make progress by work-sharing, talking and building on everyone's work.


ere are many models described in the literature. We shall present as an example the cyclic inquiry model presented on the [[[tp:// inquiry page]]sponsored by [[[tp:// "Chip" Bruce]]et. al of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

yclic Inquiry model

e purpose of the UIUC inquiry model is the creation of new ideas and concepts, and their spreading in the classroom.

e Inquiry cycle is a process which engages students to ask and answer questions on the basis of collected information and which should lead to the creation of new ideas and concepts.

e activity often finishes by the creation of a document which tries to answer the initial questions.

e cycle of inquiry has 5 global steps: Ask, Investigate, Create, Discuss and Reflect. We will give an example for each step using the "rainbow" example from Villavicencio (2000) who works on light and colors every year with 4 or 5 years old children.


<all>from: [[tp:// The Inquiry Page]]<mall>

ring the preparation of the activity, teachers have to think about how many cycles to do, how to end the activity (at the <<<Ask<<<> step): when/how to rephrase questions or answer them and express followup questions.


<Ask<<<> begins with student's curiosity about the world, ideally with their own questions. The teacher can stimulate the curiosity of the student by giving an introduction talk related to concepts that have to be acquired. It's important that student formulate their own questions because they then can explicitly express concepts related to the learning subject.

is step focuses on a problem or a question that students begin to define. These questions are redefined again and again during the cycle. Step's borders are blurred: a step is never completely left when the student begins the next one.

<rong>Rainbow Scenario :<<<trong> The teacher gives some mirrors to the children, so they can play with the sunlight which are passing trough the classroom's windows. With these manipulations, students can then formulate some questions about light and colors.


<Ask<<<> naturally leads to <<<Investigate<<<> which should exploit initial curiosity and lead to seek and create information. Students or groups of students collect information, study, collect and exploit resources, experiment, look, interview, draw,... They already can redefine "the question", make it clearer or take another direction. <<<Investigate<<<> is a self-motivating process totally owned by the active student.

<rong>Rainbow Scenario :<<<trong> Once questions have been asked, the teacher gives to the children some prisms which allow to bend the light and a Round Light Source (RLS), a big cylindrical lamp with four colored windows through a light ray can pass. Then the children can mix the colors and see the result of their mixed ray light on a screen. They begin to collect information...


llected information begins to merge. Student start making links. Here, ability to synthesize meaning is the spark which creates new knowledge. Student may generate new thoughts, ideas and theories that are not directly inspired by their own experience. They write them down in some kind of report.

<rong>Rainbow Scenario :<<<trong> Some links are created from collected information and children understand that rainbows have to be created by this kind of phenomenon.


this point, students share their ideas with each other, and ask others about their own experiences and investigations.

ch knowledge-sharing is a community process of construction and they begin to understand the meaning of their investigation.

mparing notes, discussing conclusions and sharing experiences are some examples of this active process.

<rong>Rainbow Scenario :<<<trong> children often and spontaneously sit around the RLS. They discuss and share their newly acquired knowledge with the purpose to understand the mix of colors. Then, they are invited to share their findings with the rest of the class, while the teacher takes notes on the blackboard.


is step consists in taking time to look back. Think again about the initial question, the path taken, and the actual conclusions.

udent look back and maybe take some new decisions: "Has a solution been found ?", "did new questions appear?", "What could they ask now ?",...

<rong>Rainbow Scenario :<<<trong> teacher and students take time to look back at the concepts encountered during the earlier steps of the activity. They try to synthesize and to engage further planning on the basis of their recently acquired concepts.


ce the first cycle is over, students are back the <<<Ask<<<> step and they can choose between two options:

sk: a new cycle starts, fed by the new questions or reformulations of earlier ones. The teacher can create groups to stimulate discussions and interest.

nswer: the activity is ending. The teacher has to finish it by broadening: The initial questions with their responses, the reformulated ones, new ones that appeared during the activity. Making a synthesis is always a better solution, even if this step is not the purpose of an entire cycle.

<rong>Rainbow Scenario :<<<trong> the teacher sets students free to repeat their experiments or to try different things. Some students try to replicate what their friends have done, others do the same things with or without variants. A new cycle begins.

e advantage of this model is that it can be applied with lots of student types and lots of matters. Moreover, the teacher can design the scenario by focusing on a part of the cycle or another. He can use one, few or more cycle.

st often, a single cycle (formal or not) is not enough and because of that, this model is often drawn in a spiral shape.

Other models

he model we presented above represents probably the dominant view of inquiry learning. It combines more radical open-ended socio-constructivist principles ([[[iscovery learning]]] with a model of guidance. As opposed to [[[earning design]]] most inquiry-based models do advocate opportunistic (i.e. adaptive) planning by the teacher.

ere are some other models.

[[[nowledge-building community model]]]
[[[caffolded knowledge integration]]]
[[[earning by design]]]
[[[omputer simulation]]](The "Dutch school")

xamples cases

[[Monde De Darwin]][[[tp:// Le monde de Darwin]] : Internet educational environment mostly for 8 to 14 years old students. The pedagogy is [[socio-constructivist]]with treatment and organization of the information with collaborative work

Cyber 4OS [[[tp:// Wiki de l'IBL en cours]]Lombard, F. (2007). Empowering next generation learners : Wiki supported Inquiry Based Learning ? ([[[tp:// Paper]] presented at the European practise based and practitioner conference on learning and instruction Maastricht 14-16 November 2007 (

ools and software

[[uILE]] [[SE]] [[croworld]]

Any sort of tool that allows for collaborative writing, e.g. [[oupware]][[rtal]] [[ki]]

ere are also [[croworld]]and [[mputer simulation]]nvironments that support inquire learning. A good example is represented by the [[[tp:// CoReflect]][[[tp:// Stochasmos]]project and tools.

e Also

nstructivism]][[cio-constructivism]][[se-based learning]][[scovery learning]][[bQuest]][[Monde De Darwin]][[oject-based science model]]...


[[[tp:// inquiry page]]

[[[tp:// Computer Supported Inquiry Learning]]Kaleidoscope and EARLI Special Interest Group (SIG)


Ackermann, E.K. (2004). Constructing Knowledge and Transforming The World. In Tokoro, M. & Steels, L. (2004). A Learning Zone Of One's Own. pp17-35. IOS Press

Aubé, M. & David, R. (2003). Le programme d’adoption du monde de Darwin : une exploitation concrète des TIC selon une approche socio-constructiviste. In Taurisson, A. & Senteni, A.(2003). Pé : L’essor des communautés d’apprentissage. pp 49-72.

  • Bishop,


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  • Chakrou
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  • de Jong, T
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  • Duckworth,

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nting Density. Monography by the North Dakota Study Group on Evaluation, Grand Forks, ND, 1986.
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  • Hakkarainen,

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  • Hakkarainen,
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  • Joolingen van

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  • Villavicencio, J. (

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