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This is aresource page for my Fall II 2007 Web Databases course (COAP 3180) at Webster University, Geneva. This page does not replace the official syllabus file, but it allows students to navigate more efficiently through the materials

Course level outcomes

At the completion of this course students will be able to:

  1. Use simple Web 2.0 database services
  2. Manipulate data using SQL operations and create simple SQL databases in a DBMS.
  3. Understand the architecture of a simple web application (HTML client / Web server / Script / Database). Be able use a LAMP/WAMP software bundle and install a web application.
  4. Generate a very simple web application that can connect to a database management system (DBMS) through an ODBC API.
  5. Understand/recall XML basics, like converting text files to XML, editing an XML file using a schema and displaying XML data.
  6. Be able to query and update XML data files and XML Databases using XQuery and XQuery Update.
  7. Understand the purpose of address and authentication servers and be able to use LDAP-based address books in an e-mail client.


This program is provisional and will be adjusted on a weekly basis.

Week 1

Topics Covered

Simple on-line database services

  • Simple tabular databases
  • Web 2.0 database services
  • Integration of a web 2.0 database into a Web page


  • Zoho Creator


  • Build a Zoho database

Week 2

Topics Covered

Short overview of databases

  • What is a Database?
  • Types of Databases
  • Database Models
  • Relational data base management systems (RDBMS) and ownership of databases

Web applications

  • Application architectures / frameworks overview
  • WAMP/LAMP software bundles and applications
  • Installation of web applications


To be announced


Configuration of a portal in a WAMP system or with an Internet provide

Week 3

Topics Covered

Relational databases

  • Introduction to SQL:
  • Retrieving and modifying Data
  • Creation of SQL tables with MySQL
  • Relational tables
  • Overview of other RDBMS


To be announced


Create a simple 1-table MySQL database with a database administration tool.

Week 4

Topics Covered

Working with the LAMP bundle

  • Principles of PHP programming
  • Simple PHP/MySQL interaction

Other application frameworks (.Net, J2EE)


To be announced


Mid Term Exam


Generation of a simple web application with a code generator. This homework is a follow-up of homework 3.

Week 5

Topics Covered

Introduction to XML

  • Crash Course introduction to XML and XSLT
  • Editing XML files using a schema (DTD and/or XML Schema).
  • Querying XML Documents using XPath and simple XSLT templates


To be announced


Create a valid XML file with an XML editor and modify an XSLT template to retrieve a fragment.

Week 6

Topics Covered

Introduction to XQuery and XQuery Update

XML databases


To be announced


XML database query exercise. This homework is a follow-up of homework 5.

Week 7

Topics Covered

Database to XML Sources

Working with Relational Data as XML


To be announced


Integration of an XML data source in a web page. This homework is a follow-up of homework 3.

Week 8

Topics Covered

Authentication systems and address books

Review of web application architectures




Final Exam



Homework and exams


Homework (six best) 60%
Midterm and Final exams 40%