CS4CS technical documentation

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CS4CS stands for Citizen Science for Citizen Science, i.e. a and it refers to a crowd sourcing and thinking project that aims to create an inventory of interesting citizen science projects.

CS4CS is embedded in EduTechWiki and accessible through a central hub page, called portal: citizen science


Signing up

Anyone can participate. However since EduTechWiki is subject to heavy spamming attacks you will have to through a somewhat tedious registration procedure.

Once you got an account, you either can create new entries for projects, infrastructure and software, or you can modify existing entries.

Editing existing entries

Unlike in a traditional wiki page, editing is done through forms, using the Edit with form button on top

Edit with form button

If you want to add information that can't be entered through the forms, you can do so using the "free text" field at the end.

Help us to improve CS4CS

You also can make suggestions regarding the forms and the visual display through the following three discussion pages:

Use the the following discussion page for general questions


CS4CS was implemented with Semantic Forms. We used the following templates and forms:

Entry types Form Template Comments
Citizen science projects form:Citizen science project template:Citizen science project
Citizen science infrastructure form:Citizen science infrastructure template:Citizen science infrastructure
Citizen science software form:Citizen science software template:Citizen science software
Bibliography item form:BibliographyForm template:Bibliography This template is embedded in the citizen science projects form

In addition, we will use so-called filters and query templates. As of Oct 15 2013, these are not yet implemented...