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== Links ==
== Links ==
* [ OpenLDAP FAQ]

* [ OpenLDAP Software 2.4 Administrator's Guide]
* [ OpenLDAP Software 2.4 Administrator's Guide]

Revision as of 15:10, 9 September 2008



OpenLDAP is the most popular free LDAP server. Documentation is not obvious for beginners, i.e. it takes some time learn how to install and configure a production server.

OpenLDAP 2.x software implements version 3 of LDAP (RFC 4510)

Configuration notes for solaris 10

There is an OpenLDAP version included in a typical installation. You can find it here:

/opt/sfw/sbin  - links to binaries
/opt/sfw/libexec - binaries
/opt/sfw/etc/openldap - configuration files
/opt/sfw/var/openldap-data - default data 
/opt/sfw/var/run - PID of the server
Binaires in /opt/sfw/sbin
slapadd -> ../libexec/slapd
slapcat -> ../libexec/slapd
slapdn -> ../libexec/slapd
slapindex -> ../libexec/slapd
slappasswd -> ../libexec/slapd
slaptest -> ../libexec/slapd
slapcat -> ../libexec/slapd
slapdn -> ../libexec/slapd
slapindex -> ../libexec/slapd
slappasswd -> ../libexec/slapd
slaptest -> ../libexec/slapd

The configuration file



You will have to define

  • What schemas to load in
  • Where datafiles and pidfile etc. go
  • What users are allowed to do

Here is a fictional example (comments taken away from the original):

include		/opt/sfw/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include		/opt/sfw/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include		/opt/sfw/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include		/opt/sfw/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
# Add your own
include		/opt/sfw/etc/openldap/schema/tecfa.schema

pidfile		/opt/sfw/var/run/
argsfile	/opt/sfw/var/run/slapd.args

security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64

access to attr=userpassword
            by self write
            by anonymous auth
access to *
            by self write
            by users read
	    by anonymous read
database	bdb
# Suffix and root dn, adjust to your own organization
suffix		""
rootdn		"uid=root,"
rootpw		secret
directory	/opt/sfw/var/openldap-data
index	objectClass	eq

You may want to put the data and schema files in some other place than the default, since you may by mistake kill them after an upgrade of the system. e.g. I used /var/openldap instead of /open/sfw/var/

Importing an LDIF file

/opt/sfw/sbin/slapadd -v -l your-ldif-file.ldif

The startup script

To start/stop automatically the server you can write a script like this, put it in /etc/init.d and then make links from /etc/rc3.d, /etc/rc0.d etc.


LISTENPORTS="ldap:/// ldaps:///"

STOPCMD="kill -INT `cat /var/openldap/run/`"

# These are some string we reuse to give feedback.
DESC="OpenLDAP standalone Deamon (slapd)"

# This is used to see if slapd is running. Contains null if it doesn't
# or a process description if it does.
ISRUNNING=`cat /var/openldap/run/`

# Now we check for the argument given on command line
# and act unpon its value
case "$1" in
    # We test if the server is not already running
    if [ -z "$ISRUNNING" ] ;
	# We test if the server is effectively started when the command is issued.
	    echo "$DESC started" ;
	    echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC could not be started"
	    exit ;
        echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC is already running" ;
    # We test if the server is already running
    if [ ! -z "$ISRUNNING" ] ;
	# We test if the server is effectively stopped when the command is issued.
        if $STOPCMD ;
	    echo "$DESC stopped" ;
	    echo "$ERROR $DESC could not be stopped" ;
        echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC is not running"
	exit ;
    # We test if the server is already running
    if [ ! -z "$ISRUNNING" ] ;
	# We test if the server is effectively stopped when the command is issued.
        if $STOPCMD ;
	    # We test if the server is effectively started when the command is issued.
		echo "$DESC restarted" ;
	        echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC stopped but not restarted" 
		exit ;
	    echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC could not be stopped (and hence not restarted)"
	    exit ;
        echo "$DESC is not running: Starting" ;
	    echo "$DESC started" ;
	    echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC could not be started"
	    exit ;
    # We test if the server is already running
    if [ ! -z "$ISRUNNING" ] ;
	echo "Server was running: stopping"
	if $STOPCMD ;
	    echo "STOPPED" ;
	    echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC could not be stopped"
	    exit ;

    # we look if a second argument is given for debug level
    if [ -z "$2" ]
	LOGLEVEL="4095" ;
	LOGLEVEL="$2" ;

    echo "attempting to start $DESC"
    echo "in debug mode with loglevel $LOGLEVEL"
    echo "terminal will remain open if it succeeds"
    echo "exit with CTRL-C"

    # Starting the server in debug mode
	# this is a little tricky because the message outputs only
	# when Ctrl-C is issued.
	echo "$DESC STOPPED..." ;
	echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
	echo "$ERRORMSG $DESC could not be started in debug mode"
	echo "$ERRORMSG or has exited abnormaly"
	echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
	echo "Check for error messages in the debug trace"
	exit ;
 # We show how to use that script if the given argument is not recognized.
 echo "**************************************************************************"
 echo "* Usage : /etc/init.d/openldap.server {start|stop|restart [debug_level]} *"
 echo "**************************************************************************"

See also on the Internet, e.g. OpenLDAP Start/stop script from

Notes for Ubuntu 4.1

OpenLDAP is distributed through the Synaptic Package Manager.

  • The installer will ask the rootdn password.
  • It also will automatically launch the LDAP server (use Menu System->Administration->Services to stop it again)

Configuration files are in:


Operational attributes

There exist so-called operational attributes like "modifyTimestamp". They are not returned unless you specifically request it. You must also have the appropriate permission to view the attribute.

In OpenLDAP, you can ask for "+" to fetch all the operational attributes for an entry. That would look something like this:

   ldapsearch -LLL -W -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -b
   "cn=Christoph,ou=People,dc=dexample,dc=com" "(objectClass=*)" '+'

Or just ask for the "modifyTimestamp" attribute by name. The "+" is similar in concept to the "*" which returns all the non-operational attributes.

Testing with a client

To connect to your LDAP server, make sure that the port is open both on your client machine and the server machine. By default LDAP uses port 389.

We suggest to install "Apache Directory Studio". To configure a connection to an LDAP server: Menu->LDAP->New connection

In the Authentication tab enter:

Bind DN or user: <the root dn you defined above>

Access control (ACL)

(not really complete)

OpenLDAP 2.0 contains two methods for specifying access control. The first is static, i.e. you define the rights in configuration files. wo other advantages of this method is that it should be more efficient in most cases and that the rules, being static, cannot be changed by external means using LDAP so it should be more secure. From an operational point of view, the problem of this method is that needs a server restart at every Access contol (ACL) change. (From the FAQ)

The second method for access control inserts access control information inside the directory itself. Unfortunately, the standard for doing this in a way that is interoperable between servers of different vendors (this did not matter in the static config case) has not been finished and exists only as an Internet Draft (i.e. no RFC has been published and the specification might not even get enough consensus for an RFC to be published ever). (From the FAQ)

Ok, let's have a look at a few ACL patterns:

By default, anyone and everyone can read anything but but only the rootdn can make any updates. This implicit rule could be made explicit like this:

access to *
   by * read

First thing you may do is to make a rule for the passwords. Users can update but not read their password and anonymous users can authenticate (else no user can log in).

access to attr=userpassword
          by self      =xw
          by anonymous auth

The following rule means that the owners have full access to their entry and users can read everything. This is something you probably don't want, i.e. you might want to show some information (e.g. homepages or email addresses to a public at large (anonymous readers)

access to *
    by anonymous none
    by self write
    by users read

The following allows anonymous users to read

Via the old method (static)

access to <what> [ by <who> <access> [ <control> ] ]+

Access directives seem to be examined in the order in which they appear in the config file. It stops with the first what and then the first who found. In other words, specific rules should come first.

Via the new method (inside the LDAP)

olcAccess: to <what> [ by <who> <accesslevel> <control> ]+

is a different way of doing it. You should read these olcAccess statements as ldif notation of an LDAP attribute.

  • Type man slapd.access
