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TEPEE (Technologies for Positive Learning Experiences) is a research group led by Pr. Gaëlle Molinari, and jointly associated with TECFA (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva) and UniDistance. TEPEE is a follow-up to a special issue for the journal STICEF entitled “Positive technologies for learning” (Molinari et al., 2021). Positive technologies for learning is an emerging line of research in the field of educational technologies which draws on different fields: psychology of emotions and its research on the role of emotions in learning; positive psychology, which is concerned with the scientific study of conditions and factors that promote individuals’ well-being and the development of their full potential; and positive technologies that focuses on the design and use of digital technologies to support the optimal functioning of individuals, groups, and organizations.

The TEPEE research is organized around two interdependent axes, one related to teaching (Axis 1) and the other to learning (Axis 2). In Axis 1, we are interested in the use of digital technologies by teachers in the classroom and how this can influence emotions, motivational beliefs and teacher well-being. Axis 2 is organized into two sub-themes. The first (Axis 2.1) is devoted to understanding how to enhance the student learning experience in hybrid or fully remote environments, including how to help students engage and persevere, cope with the pressure of self-regulation and fluctuations in emotions and motivation. The second (Axis 2.2) focuses on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and its emotional and motivational dimensions. The objective is to understand the complex role of emotions and their regulation in hybrid/remote collaborative learning environments, in particular how to help students become aware of the emotions felt during group work and how to use them to better collaborate.

Les membres du groupe TEPEE
  • Gaëlle Molinari
    Gaëlle Molinari (you can access her CV here).
Associate researchers
  • Sunny Avry

Research and teaching assistant

  • Djamileh Aminian (TECFA, MALTT). Le rôle de la confusion dans l'apprentissage / Role of confusion in learning. She is currently working on her master thesis on the role of confusion in online learning environment. The aim of this research is to understand how to help learners regulate confusion to foster deeper learning and engagement. Djamileh is also a professional digital learning consultant working with L&D teams to optimise the use of digital learning in the training of their employees. By joining TEPEE, she seeks to contribute to advance research on how to detect and address emotions in learning, how to adapt instructional design to take them into account and to use new findings in real-life settings. Keywords: blended learning, epistemic emotions, engagement, digital learning.
Predoctoral researchers
Yannick S. Nleme Ze
  • Cécile Vassaux
    Cécile Vassaux. Teachers' well-being with digital technologies.
  • Nathalie Borgognon. Exploring phygital continuity for collaborative making and learning in FacLabs.
  • Priçulla Trouillefou. Relationship between group flow and collective intelligence.
Master students
    • Alumni
    • Stéphanie Doriot (Faculté de Psychologie, UniDistance). Effets d’une intervention d’apprentissage collaboratif et créatif et d’une intervention de journal réflexif sur le bien-être et l’orientation reconnaissante. Soutenu en 2022.