Talk:VRML engine

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-- Daniel K. Schneider 17:47, 8 October 2009 (UTC)

vivatyctrl-class -- Tutancamon 12:31, 8 October 2009 (UTC) -- Tutancamon 12:31, 8 October 2009 (UTC)


We have a several vrml engines on our computers.
Is usefule to know their CLASSID.
For example, for VIVATY, we have:
VivatyCtrl Class
C:\Program Files\Vivaty\VivatyPlayer

tutancamon said:


is clear ?

tutancamon said:

Ups !
Here we have a big problem !
See at this html code:

CODEBASE="C:\Program Files\Vivaty\VivatyPlayer\vivaty.dll"
width="400" height="400"

param name="antialias" value=""
param name="bgcolor" value=""
param name="DASHBOARD" value=""
param name="Debug" value=""
param name="DX9" value=""
param name="ForceAAOnXP" value=""
param name="GRUPSkinning" value=""
param name="LoadScreen" value=""
param name="MaxTextureSize" value=""
param name="navigation" value="">
param name="NavigationMode" value=""
param name="PrimativeQuality" value=""
param name="RightMouseMenu" value=""
param name="ticket" value=""

OK !
But where is world parameter ?
We need to have something like this:
param name="WORLD" value="name_world.wrl"

For me Vivaty is not so spectacular, but because is a Tony Parisi home production, on his honour, I want to talk about his employees application.

Well ?

tutancamon said:

For Flux Player version 2.0, we have 'AnimaCtrl'
And for this control we can use this html code:
CODEBASE="C:\Program Files\Media Machines\Flux\Anima.ocx"
width="400" height="400"

param name="_Version" value="65536"
param name="_ExtentX" value="10583"
param name="_ExtentY" value="10583"
param name="_StockProps" value="0"
param name="bgcolor" value
param name="navigation" value
param name="PrimitiveQuality" value
param name="NavigationMode" value
param name="antialias" value="-1"
param name="DASHBOARD" value="-1"
param name="MaxTextureSize" value="512"
param name="LoadScreen" value="-1"
param name="RightMouseMenu" value
param name="src" value

OBS. Here we can see param name="src" value

OK ?

But for vivaty.dll?

Russ Kinter said:

Sure, I use them all the time to switch VRML/X3d Internet Explorer default plugin in the registry.

tutancamon said:

Russ Kinter said:
Sure, I use them all the time to switch VRML/X3d Internet Explorer default plugin in the registry.
is it true.
For Anima.ocx we have
param name="src" value = "name_file.x3d"
But for vivaty.dll, what we have ? How we can show to Vivaty, what file to use ? This is the question. He has not parameter for world files.

tutancamon said:

tutancamon said:
Russ Kinter said:
Sure, I use them all the time to switch VRML/X3d Internet Explorer default plugin in the registry.
is it true.
For Anima.ocx we have
param name="src" value = "name_file.x3d"
But for vivaty.dll, what we have ? How we can show to Vivaty, what file to use ? This is the question. He has not parameter for world files.

vivaty.dll, is more then a simple VR browser, he is also a chat client of HYDRA server.

See this:

Vivaty.App.version = ;
Vivaty.App.fluxUserId =
Vivaty.App.hostId = ;
Vivaty.App.ownerName =
Vivaty.App.muserver = ;
Vivaty.App.muport =
Vivaty.App.chserver = ;
Vivaty.App.chroom =
Vivaty.App.chport = ;
Vivaty.App.userRoomId =
; = ;
Vivaty.App.numObjects = 61;
Vivaty.App.scenename = "";
Vivaty.App.def_scenename = ""; = 0; =
; = 0; = 0; = ;

Well ?
How we can use this client of Hydra ?