Exploratory learning

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Exploratory learning is based on constructivist theories of learning and teaching.

See discovery learning and maybe inquiry-based learning for more in-depth discussion of exploratory approaches.

According to Rieber (:587) all exploratory learning approaches are based on the following four principles:

  • Learners can and should take control of their own learning;
  • knowledge is rich and multidimensional;
  • learners approach the learning task in very diverse ways; and
  • it is possible for learning to feel natural and uncoaxed, that is, it does not have to be forced or contrived.


There are different kinds of tools for exploratory learning.


  • Rieber, L. P. (1996) Microworlds, in Jonassen, David, H. (ed.) Handbook of research on educational communications and technology. Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology. Second edition. Simon and Schuster, 583-603 ISBN 0-02-864663-0