E-learning 2.0

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As opposed to e-learning

“When we think of learning content today, we probably think of a learning object. Originating in the world of computer-based delivery (CBT) systems, learning objects were depicted as being like lego blocks or atoms, little bits of content that could be put together or organized. Standards bodies have refined the concept of learning objects into a rigorous form and have provided specifications on how to sequence and organize these bits of content into courses and package them for delivery as though they were books or training manuals. [...] As a consequence, the dominant learning technology employed today is a type of system that organizes and delivers online courses�%G—�%@the learning management system (LMS)”. (| Downes, 2006, retrieved 16:35, 27 April 2007 (MEST) but links replaced by interal ones)

Now Downs argues that “the nature of the Internet, and just as importantly, the people using the Internet, has begun to change. These changes are sweeping across entire industries as a whole and are not unique to education; indeed, in many ways education has lagged behind some of these trends and is just beginning to feel their wake.” ....

Steve O'Hear (2006) argues in the same direction: “Like the web itself, the early promise of e-learning - that of empowerment - has not been fully realized. The experience of e-learning for many has been no more than a hand-out published online, coupled with a simple multiple-choice quiz. Hardly inspiring, let alone empowering. But by using these new web services, e-learning has the potential to become far more personal, social and flexible.” ([1]).

Related issues:

Links and references

  • Downes, Stephen, E-learning 2.0, eLearn Magazine, HTML

O'Hear, Steve (2006). e-learning 2.0 - how Web technologies areshaping education, Read/Write web, HTML

O'Hear, Steve (2006). Elgg - social network software for education, Read/Write web, HTML