User talk:Margaret N

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Welcome to EduTech Wiki!

We hope that you will contribute, in whichever way you like.

You will probably want to consult the help pages and have a look at the Editing rules.

We use strong anti-spamming measures. After each edit you may have to fill in a captcha that will test whether you are real human or a script.

Unfortunately, answering the captcha is not possible from the Visual Editor and you will get an error message when you try to save a page. New contributors still can use the visual editor, but must switch to the source editor before saving, using the [[ ]] switch button (top right). Then click save page (bottom of the page)

Remember: Switch to Edit source when saving doesn't work ! (button top right).

As soon you are known as a friendly contributor you will be moved to an "author group" that doesn't need to fill in captcha's for each edit. If I don't "see" you, just ask with a post on my discussion page.

Again, welcome!

PS: This is an automatically generated message. Feel free to remove this text from your page. kalli (talk) 18:52, 31 January 2022 (CET)