CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies (2022-23)/module4-SalemAlhammadi
Module 4 Salem's page
This page is the project for model 4 of Digital learning in emergency CAS for Salem
Overview of the project
The project is a higher education project, located in the capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul. The global goal of the project is to train and educate Afghani to create a new generation of leaders who are able to lead and manage the state institutions effectively. The main audience of the project is young afghani youth between 21 to 25.
Context of the project
According to the fragile state index, Afghanistan is considered one of the most fragile states, which means that the state institutions cannot fulfill their duties and obligations and lack the human resources to run those institutions. Moreover, the country is lacking financial resources and suffers from decades of wars. Yet, the government is controlled by a group considered to have very narrow perspectives of tolerance and the acceptance of different points of view. Additionally, the country is threatened to fall into a new civil war. Moreover, the country is suffering from economic sanctions and is one of the most affected by climate change, in addition to being a landlocked country, which means it has no maritime borders and must depend on its neighbors for importing and exporting.
Objectives& Outcomes
1- To train and educate Afghani to create a new generation of leaders who are able to lead and manage the state institutions effectively.
1- The ability to understand, and develop flexible foreign policy, and manage the relationship with the regional power
2- The ability to build a modern economy that is utilizing its local comparative advantage
1- Understand the situation in the country from different aspects
2- Identify the main challenges either local, regional, or global
3- Design and manage realistic national projects
4- Identify the strengths to use them, and the limitations to avoid them
Project Structure
The project will last for 3 years and cover 6 semesters, each semester will last for 5 months. In each semester there will be 5 courses. Each course covers different topics, some topics will have only one session, and another topic might have up to 8 sessions.
Open Education Activites
The following sections illustrate how the program will be an open education program at the level of the session. Open education will cover two sides. It will use open education resources as a part of student's education and learning. The other side is that students' work, reports, research, and reflections will be published online, under the open educational recourses policy. I would like to emphasize that open education will not be taught as a concept, but open education as a methodology will be used to teach students certain topics, and at the same time to make the students experience open education by participating in promoting the concept through publishing their work online under open educational resources policy as mentioned above.
Learning outcomes
1- To search and find relevant online open educational resources.
2- Sharing the work using online means as an open educational resource.
Expected time: 25 Hours
Detailed Description
1- Read the attached resource from UNESCO that defines open education resources.
2- Read the second attachment that discusses the challenges of open education in higher education.
3- Explore the third attachment to find different open educational resources.
4- Find an academic resource that discusses one of the following topics that we already discussed during our sessions:
- History of political thoughts
- Peace and conflicts
- Political actors
- International affairs theories: Realism
- International affairs theories: Liberalism
5- Discover and analyze one resource that interests you.
6- Produce a written, video, or audio reflection for the chosen material, and publish it online as an open educational resource.
Expected results
- Write a short reflection- 500 words- explaining what the UNESCO article discussed.
- List and explain briefly the benefits and challenges of open education in higher education according to the article.
- Explain with no more than 500 words what OER you have chosen, and the reason for chosing them.
- After chosing the topic for refliction, complete the below activities.
1- UNESCO Open Education Resources
2- Open education resources’ benefits and challenges in the academic world: a systematic review
3- Open Educational Resources: Where to Find
4- Commons: website for finding and sharing open resources and materials
Tools for publications
You may use one of the following methods to publish your work. However, the following methods are merely suggestions, and you may add any other methods that you find it suitable as long as it is online, accessible, and free.
1- YouTube video
2- Wikipedia
3- Podcast apps
4- Personal blogs
5- Social apps such as Twitter, Facebook, etc…
6- Commons network
7- Khan Academy
Activity | Time to Finish | Evaluation | Reward |
Reading first resources | 4 Hours | Quiz | Open education badge/ Novice |
Reading second resources | 6 Hours | Quiz | Open education badge/ Intermediate |
Produce a reflection on one selected ed material | 15 Hours | Reflection | Open education badge/ Contributor |
1- Open education badge/ Novice:
The student who is awarded this badge has shown the ability to understand what open education is, how it developed, and why it is important in the contemporary context.
2- Open education badge/ Intermediate:
The student has demonstrated well basic knowledge regarding the challenges and opportunities that are combined with open education in the higher education domain.
3- Open education badge/ Contributor
The student has shown his ability to find and use open education resources. In addition to contributing to open education by sharing his work under the open education policy.
Evaluation Criteria
For the last activity, students will be asked to produce a reflection based on the topics they selected, and the open educational resource they chose to analyze. The reflection could be either written, video, or audio file, and the student can choose one of the above mentioned online tools to publish his work as open education resource. The Evaluation will be an open evaluation. Every student will be asked to observe his colleague's work, and evaluated it based on the criteria. students will be evaluated based on a summative criteria-based evaluation Using 5*5 Rubric.
Criteria | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
The context of the project, geography, main parties, and history of the situation. | The student defined all the related parts of the context. He explained all the needed elements to understand what and how it is happening. | The student explained must of the important parts. He showed well understanding of the situation in general, with some minor misunderstood. | The student missed very important parts, he did not mention some important elements, and showed that he did not understand the context. | The student has very poor understanding of the context, he missed all the important elements, and showed no sign of knowledge about the context. | N/A |
Analyzing the context based on one or more of the learned theories.
The student showed excellent understanding of theories, and established clear and evidence supported link between the context and the theories | The student showed very good understanding for theories, and established very clear link between must of context components and theories, and supported some of his argument but not all | The student showed weak understanding for theories, and did not link between theory and context mostly, and did not support must of his argument. | The student showed very weak understanding, and did not link between the theories and context, and did not establish any supported argument. | N/A |
Identify and explain phenomena and components related to the context and the theories can not explain or predict, and come up with alternative theoretical framework to explain | The student well identified and explained some related phenomena beyond the ability of theories to explain, and suggested the alternative that explain them based on his knowledge and understanding. | The student identified and explained some phenomena, but did not suggested reasonable and strong alternative. | the student did identify a phenomena but did not come with any an alternative. | the student did not identify a phenomena at all, and did not come with any alternative. | N/A |
Clear Academic language, with clear and understood ideas. | Very clear ideas, and the used languages is very strict and meet the academic standard. | The ideas are clear, but the used language is not academic. | The ideas are clear but with some limitations, and the used language is mixed between academic and non-formal. | The ideas are not clear, and must of the paper is written by non-formal language. | N/A |
Using OER, and contributing to them by using any online, accessible, and free tool |
The student has used OER appropriately and contributed to the OE by using online accessible and free tools | The student has used OER, but his contribution was not accessible easily | The student used OER, but his contribution was not accessible, and require some sorts of registration | The student did not use any OER, and his contribution is not considering an OER | N/A |
CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies