CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies (2022-23)/module4-SalemAlhammadi

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Module 4 Salem's page


This page is the project for model 4 of Digital learning in emergency CAS for Salem

Overview of the project

The project is a higher education project, located in the capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul. The global goal of the project is to train and educate Afghani to create a new generation of leaders who are able to lead and manage the state institutions effectively. The main audience of the project is young afghani youth between 21 to 25.

Context of the project

According to the fragile state index, Afghanistan is considered one of the most fragile states, which means that the state institutions cannot fulfill their duties and obligations and lack the human resources to run those institutions. Moreover, the country is lacking financial resources and suffers from decades of wars. Yet, the government is controlled by a group considered to have very narrow perspectives of tolerance and the acceptance of different points of view. Additionally, the country is threatened to fall into a new civil war. Moreover, the country is suffering from economic sanctions and is one of the most affected by climate change, in addition to being a landlocked country, which means it has no maritime borders and must depend on its neighbors for importing and exporting.