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AgentSheets are a kind of authoring kit for microworld.

  • “The AgentSheets environment is an agent-based Web authoring tool enabling a wide range of end users, ranging from children to professionals, to create their own SimCityTM-like interactive simulations, domain-oriented visual programming languages, knowbots, cellular automata, and games. At the the blink of an eye these simulations can be compiled by the Ristretto compiler directly into Java applets that can be embedded into web pages.” [1]
  • “From personal and information Agents to interactive demos, modifiable simulations to virtual game worlds, AgentSheets' unique user interface captivates people and draws them into a new relationship with technology. What can you do with it? Create interactive virtual worlds, modifiable simulations, training demos... and put them online fast with music, speech, video, and Java!” [2], retrieved 19:27, 4 September 2006 (MEST).



  • Repenning, A., Ioannidou, A. and Ambach, J. (1998). Learn to Communicate and Communicate to Learn. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 98 (7). HTML Hypertext - HTML
  • Repenning, A., Ioannidou, A., & Zola, J. (2000). AgentSheets: End-User Programmable Simulations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 3(3) HTML

Repenning, A., "AgentSheets®: an Interactive Simulation Environment with End-User Programmable Agents," Interaction 2000, Tokyo, Japan, 2000 PDF

Other to explore

Repenning, A., A. Ioannidou, and J. Phillips, "Collaborative Use & Design of Interactive Simulations," Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference at Stanford (CSCL'99), 1999. abstract - pdf

Repenning, A., and Ambach, J. (1997). The Agentsheets Behavior Exchange: Supporting Social Behavior Processing. CHI 97, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, (Atlanta, Georgia), 26-27. ACM Press.

Repenning, A., and Ioannidou, A. (1997). Behavior Processors: Layers between End-Users and Java Virtual Machines. Proceedings of the 19967IEEE Symposium of Visual Languages, (Capri, Italy). Computer Society.

Repenning, A., Rausch, M., Ioannidou, A., and Phillips, J. (1998). Using Agents as a Currency of Exchange between End-Users. WebNet, (Orlando, Florida). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Repenning, A., and Sumner, T. (1994). Programming as Problem Solving: A Participatory Theater Approach. Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (Bari, Italy), 182-191.

Repenning, A., and Sumner, T. (1995). Agentsheets: A Medium for Creating Domain-Oriented Visual Languages. IEEE Computer, 28, (3), 17-25.