Using Inkscape for laser cutting

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Inkscape is a popular tool within creative commons/opensource communities, e.g. fab labs and for several reasons:

  • The drawing tool is decent enough
  • It supports the popular SVG format (and uses an extended version for itself). This allows publishing drawings directly on an HTML5 page. In addition, there are nice repositories for drawings, e.g. or the
  • There are interesting extensions and probably, over time, there will be more.

Before you start: Make sure to install the latest version. We found that Inkscape 0.49 (that somehow survived in the program files (x86) directory) did not produce proper print files for cutting.

Using Inkscape with Trotec laser cutters


Using fonts

Fonts for cutting

It probably is best to convert fonts to paths, add stroke and remove fill.

Fonts for engraving

Globally speaking, a font used for engraving:

  • should neither be too thin (details being lost) or too fat (too much materials to remove)
  • should not be too cramped (e.g. like TimesRoman). There should be some space between letters.

The Hershey text Inkscape extension includes fonts that are nice for engraving, i.e. so-called stroke-based fonts.


There are commercial specialized websites that provide fonts suitable for cutting and engraving.

Image processing

I'd have to see the Trotec Control software which does have some built-in image processing facility.


  • Import the picture
  • Object->Transform->Scale

Greyscale and contrasts

  • Transform to Greyscale (the laser only has 1 color, i.e. depth): Filters -> Color -> GreyScale
  • Play with contrast and brightness to make the picture more "black and white" and still preserve details you want to engrave: Filters -> Color -> Lightness Contrast


  • Aggregate pixels to larger surfaces. You can use various filters for that (optional)
  • Raytrace the whole thing, i.e. translate pixels to vectors. (optional): Path -> Trace Bitmap
    • I suggest (for now) playing with brightness cutoff, e.g. select 0.2 to take away greys, also

List of extensions

First, learn how to install extensions. Basically, you have to find the extension directory and then copy all the files

Some extensions may not work, either because they were not tested on your operation system or because they are not compatible with your inkscape version.

JigSaw Extension

This extensions allows to generate puzzles. Tested in Inkscape 0.91, Ubuntu 16LTS in Sept 2016.

Read and Download

Test under Ubuntu 16 LTS

  • This works, under the condition to copy manually the contents of the *.py and *.inx files from Github. Click to open, then "raw", then copy/paste.
  • The puzzle may to too small to see when you try it first time, since the lines are very faint. Make it bigger.

Lasercut box

This extensions allows to create "saw tooth" boxes. Tested in Inkscape 0.91, Ubuntu 16LTS in Sept 2016.

EggBot extension

The eggbot is a open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects. The Inkscape eggboot extension eases the design process for writing and drawing on eggs. However, some of its functionality can be useful for laser cutting and engraving, in particular the Hershey fonts which generate drawings (glyphs as opposed to fonts).

