Talk:Portal: citizen science

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Desiderata / To do

  • Research team documentation is maybe not good enough: Maybe distinguish between the big project leader, subproject leader and lead developer ? - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 18:56, 16 October 2013 (CEST)
  • Display software also as tables. At this point we also might consider breaking up the page in sub-pages or else add a manual TOC at the beginning. Julien ?
  • Get semantic maps to work (right now, only normal maps work...)
  • Fix HTML and CSS to make it 100% (or almost) error free.

Query forms (testing)

These should be moved to the page at some point. There are three forms:

A link: Run query

Embedded here:

Project information
Technical infrastructure Leave none to query all or if you do not know:

Software Leave none to query all or if you do not know:

Typical Subject Areas Most popular citizen science areas as found in citizen science portals:

Grey typology items Leave "none" if you don't want to include an item in the search: Volonteer computing:

Volonteer thinking:
Volonteer sensing:
Volonteer gaming:

test graph

Allows to check relational consistency and completeness between projects, software and infrastructure (sounds good, doesn't it ?....)

black: Has infrastructure
red: Developed with