Lego-compatible thesis project board

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I designed the thesis project board as a tool that will help folks with both planning and monitoring a MA or PHD thesis. It also is a social tool, i.e. on display in an office or a living room it will show others where your are.

The thesis project board has three components:

1. A task list that should include all major tasks, such as getting in a program, finding and advisor, writing the research plan and having it accepted, literature review, data collection, data analysis, development, etc. Configuration of the lists depends on the field, the nature of the thesis and the institution.

2. An issue list that should include each major problem that pops up or that is known right from the start.

3. A text list simply lists the various chapters. Chapter writing and monitoring the task list are different views of the "problem" although some items strongly correlate.

Each list is built with lettered Lego bricks. Print the ones that you need. Next to each list the candidate then must build towers. For both task list and chapter items, there is a slot for a 2x2 column that will measure advancement. I suggest to use 5 standard 2x2 blocks, each representing 20%. Once you reached 100%, these towers can be replaced by a special "smilie" tower. The issues items are associated with two columns, one that measures severness and the other progress (problem resolution)

Current status

This is version 1.x. So far, I didn't test it, but I will do that with local PHD students. However, that can take years :)

However, I'd be extremly glad to receive any sort of comments and suggestions, even little ones such as missing bricks.

I also am aware that lettering is pretty ugly, but designing lots of meaninful 3D icons is beyound my skills. Input with respect to that also would be welcome.

Board plates

variant 1

Buy a Lego board and configure it like in the picture that shows a blue plate. I.e. print all bricks that start with "board" to make it look like a thesis project board.

Thesis lettering blocks for standard Lego board
Thesis board using a Lego board

variant 2

Uses a neat (sorry) just the right size for you desk. Time-consuming to print and impossible (I'd say) on non-PLA capable printers.

Thesis project board, version 1

Below is my first print together with a first version of tasks, issues and chapter blocks

Thesis project board, version 1


Task bricks

12 so far ...

Task brick set 1 (first version)

Issue bricks

9 so far...

Issue brick set 1 (first version)

Chapter bricks

9 so far ...

Chapters brick set (first version)

Getting it


Download from Thingiverse:

File names

I only included a subset of bricks as single STLs for now. However:

  • contains all the blocks
  • include multiple bricks for printing (difficult)
  • contains all the source, including netfabb files and openscad code

Printing tips


Printing Lego bricks is a bit more difficult than it may seem.

  • You do need a 0.25mm layer-capable printer, and that it includes corresponding x/y precision
  • The first layer must stick to the print bed. Therefore it must be totally flat and aligned with the nozzle. In addition, the nozzle must be close (1 sheet of paper)
  • Printing with ABS probably requires a heated print bed since the walls will try to warp upwards. A heated print-bed is better for PLA printing too.
  • The bottom side of the roofs will likely be ugly and there is not much I could do (except creating a design that doesn't look like Lego bricks)

Printing platforms is another challenge (see below under problems).

Slicer settings

  • First layer must be real slow: 12 mm/s
  • 0.25 layers or less for better quality
  • Other layers: 40 mm/s or much higher for less good quality

You may use manual overrides for printing walls (you can go fast there) and then slow down again for the lettering and nibbles.


  • Ugly overhangs underneath the lego roofs: ignore
  • Bumps when printing the roof of the big base plate: Slow down and turn of the fan until it looks flat again. This also can happend in the first layer after printing the little squares.
  • Little squares not sticking to the first layer: Nozzle must be real close in every location, slow down, heat up. Instead of aborting a print, you also can attempt to glue it back, e.g. use a blow torch.
  • Ugly lettering: reduce speed and/or reduce layer height (or work with half-layers if your slicer let's you define regions)
  • Unexplained no "filament comes out": Check your filament. If it is too thin in places it will hate the retractions. You also can reduce anti-stringing measures. Strings don't matter in this project. Just burn them away. If it is too thick, buy new filament.

Do it yourself

  • Start from the openscad files to generate your own boards
  • Use netfabb files for lettering. Read the Netfabb Studio tutorial

Lettering on top of blank blocks

Download a block or generate one with OpenScad.

Set of blank bricks for lettering

Lettering can be done with other software, but I found Netfabb to be the easiest tool. However, if you don't own the expensive Studio version, you will have to proceed in the following way in order to get a single printable STL:

  • Load an appriate flat lego brick into netfabb
  • Do the lettering: Use 72pts and about 10mm height and 2mm depth
  • Adjust the x/y dimensions and position in the right place
  • Export the lettering (1 or 2 STLs)
  • Import to Meshlab
  • Import all the meshes (block and lettering): Menu file->Import Mesh
  • Menu Filters->Layer and Attribute Management->Flatten Visible Layers
  • File->Export Mesh as


EduTechWiki links

Using Lego in project management and similar

  • Project management classes taught at HES Yverdon (need a paper here).

A very different perspective is to use lego building as substrate for team building, management, etc. E.g.: