Conole and Fill learning taxonomy
This article or section is currently under construction
In principle, someone is working on it and there should be a better version in a not so distant future.
If you want to modify this page, please discuss it with the person working on it (see the "history")
I am trying to visualize the learning(/pedagogy/technology) taxonomies that Graíne Conole et al. came up with. The taxonomy is somewhat provisional. I did throw it together from various Concole and Fill publications, PPT slides, the DialogPlus website, and a little amount of salt and pepper. One of my main contributions was to add "Toilet-learning" - obviously - since I plan to print out an A1 or A0 poster once I am happy and decorate one of the toilet doors at TECFA with it - Daniel K. Schneider 18:26, 25 May 2010 (UTC).
To do list:
- Add some missing ingredients (e.g. in the tools sections or instructional design models)
- Rethink (maybe) the hierarchy
- Remove some clouds (maybe) and/or produce multi-page graphs
See also DialogPlus Toolkit and Compendium LD
For visualization, I am using automatic layout mechanisms and various hierarchy schemes available through the Graphviz program.
How to use
- In this page, you only see so-called thumbnails
- Click on the various pictures to enlarge and keep clicking until you will reach the *.SVG image (the original is A0 size, i.e. a rather big poster). Of course, you need a real web browser (e.g. Firefox, Opera, Safari ... it won't work with IE).
FDP layout
The input file is strongly clustered (as you can see with the boxes). Else you would see a haystack. This visualization is almost hierarchical. Some extra edges are the dotted lines starting from the tasks node.
Conole and Fill
(i.e. inspired by various texts, PPTs etc.)
Conole and Fill + methods
Instructional design methods + desing tools thrown in ....
SFDP layout (defaults)
These visualizations are totally hierarchical.
ratio = expand
A0 size portrait
A0 size square
A0 size landscape
A0 size landscape +
Extra ingredients added (design methods)
A0 size + spring
ratio = expand smoothing="spring";
A0 size landscape:
TwoPi layout
In-wiki graphviz generation
I don't think that it is a good idea to use this wiki's graphviz interface to render large graphs, since it can only show the raw image (no thumbnail) - Daniel K. Schneider 17:57, 25 May 2010 (UTC).
Graphviz source code
I got several versions. Here is one that adds some methods and that goes well with FDP and SFDP layout engines.
Conole, Conele & Fill Learning and pedagogy taxonomy
Reloaded by Daniel K. Schneider, TECFA, University of Geneva, i.e. I put this together
from a variety of resources (papers, PPTs, Cloudworks, and DialogPlus + a bit of my own
ftp/sfdp layout models
Optimized for the following kinds of dot commands:
dot -s72 -Kfdp -Tsvg > learning-taxonomy-fdp-2.svg
dot -s72 -Ksfdp -Tsvg > learning-taxonomy-sfdp-3.svg
dot -s72 -Kfdp -Tdot >
* some attributes and even links (edges) needs to be ajusted for different layout models. E.g. sftp works best with a strictly hierarchical graph.
* some attributes are ignored, i.e. sfdp doesn't look at clusters or pos
# -- start of the graph
digraph learning_taxonomy {
# A0 landscape page size - should print fine as poster
# Size in inches of an A0 page is 48.8x33.1
# Size in points would be "3355,2383" points (1 inch = 72 points);
# Positions don't seem to work with sdfp :(
# A0 landscape
# A0 portrait page size
// size="33.1,46.8";
# A0 square
# size="33.1,33.1";
# ratio is CRUCIAL
# either fill or expand will extend the graph to the size defined above, else you will get a thrown together mess
// ratio="expand";
# quadType="none";
// smoothing="spring";
# --- other global parameters to play with (some not working/useful)
# width/height ratio
// aspect=0.7;
# K=2;
# len=1;
# rankdir=LR;
# Remove overlap but stretch too much, always also define scaling
// overlap=prism1000;
// overlap_scaling=0.5;
# --- node and edge params
node [fontsize=14,fontname="Arial",shape=none,nodesep=2];
edge [arrowhead=normal,arrowsize=0.3]
# #################################### the nodes and links ##########################################3
# Arranged in some sort of depth first, since this allows to insert color tags
# -- learning activity - THE ROOT - should be in the middle somewhere
"learning\n activity" [label="Learning Activity\n(Conole and Fill\nreloaded by DKS)",shape=ellipse,fontcolor=black,style=filled,color=yellow];
"learning\n activity"->"context";
"learning\n activity"->"learning\n outcomes" ;
"learning\n activity"->"outputs" ;
"learning\n activity"->"resources" ;
"learning\n activity"->"roles" ;
"learning\n activity"->"tasks" ;
"learning\n activity"->"tools" ;
# -- -- non hierarchical links
# REMOVE for SFDP layout ...
"tasks"->"roles" [style="dotted"];
"tasks"->"resources" [style="dotted"];
"tasks"->"outputs" [style="dotted"];
"tasks"->"tools" [style="dotted"];
# -- -- context
subgraph cluster_1 {
"context" [shape=ellipse,color=lightgrey,style=filled,fontcolor="black"];
"context"->"environment\n type";
"context"->"learning\n and teaching\n approaches";
"context"->"other\n context";
# -- -- environment type
subgraph cluster_1_1 {
node [fontcolor="green"];
"environment\n type" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="green"];
"environment\n type"->"audio-based";
"environment\n type"->"computer-based";
"environment\n type"->"field-based";
"environment\n type"->"laboratory-based";
"environment\n type"->"lecture-based";
"environment\n type"->"seminar-based";
"environment\n type"->"simulator";
"environment\n type"->"video-based";
"environment\n type"->"work-based";
"environment\n type"->"toilet-learning";
"environment\n type"->"mixed";
# -- -- learning and teaching approaches
subgraph cluster_1_2 {
node [fontcolor="magenta"];
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches" [shape=ellipse,color=magenta,style="filled"];
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"->"associative\n models";
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"->"cognitive\n models";
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"->"situative\n models";
subgraph cluster_1_2_1 {
"associative\n models"->"behaviourist";
"associative\n models"->"didactic";
"associative\n models"->"elaboration\n theory";
"associative\n models"->"direct\n instruction";
"associative\n models"->"intelligent\n tutoring\n systems";
"associative\n models"->"training\n needs\n analysis";
subgraph cluster_1_2_2 {
"cognitive\n models"->"active\n learning";
"cognitive\n models"->"case\n study";
"cognitive\n models"->"conceptual";
"cognitive\n models"->"constructivist";
"cognitive\n models"->"enquiry-led";
"cognitive\n models"->"experiment model";
"cognitive\n models"->"field\n trip";
"cognitive\n models"->"goal-based\n scenario";
"cognitive\n models"->"procedural";
"cognitive\n models"->"project-based";
"cognitive\n models"->"project-methodology-based";
"cognitive\n models"->"resource-based";
"cognitive\n models"->"role play\n model";
"cognitive\n models"->"writing\n to learn";
subgraph cluster_1_2_3 {
"situative\n models"->"action\n research";
"situative\n models"->"expansive\n learning";
"situative\n models"->"collaborative";
"situative\n models"->"dialogic";
"situative\n models"->"experiential";
"situative\n models"->"problem-based";
"situative\n models"->"reflective\n practitioner";
"situative\n models"->"vicarious\n learning";
# -- -- instructional design methods
subgraph cluster_1_3 {
node [fontcolor="magenta"];
"instructional\ndesign\nmethods" [shape=ellipse,color=magenta,style="filled"];
"instructional\ndesign\nmethods"->"design\n approach";
"instructional\ndesign\nmethods"->"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools";
"instructional\ndesign\nmethods"->"educational\n design\n tools\n";
subgraph cluster_1_3_1 {
"design\n approach"->"light-weight\n design";
"design\n approach"->"systemic design process models";
"design\n approach"->"lesson planning approach";
subgraph cluster_1_3_2 {
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"Celtx";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"Collage";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"Compendium LD";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"DialogPlus Toolkit";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"EXe";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"EduWeaver";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"LAMS";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"MOTPlus";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"MoCoLaDe";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"ModX";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"OASIF";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"PALO";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"Phoebe pedagogic planner";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"Prolix graphical learning modeller";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"ReCourse editor";
"educational\n design\n tools\n"->"Reload Editor";
subgraph cluster_1_3_3 {
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"BPEL";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"CPM";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"CSCL script";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"CoUML";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Developing design\n documents (3D) model";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"E2ML";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"ELML";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"IMS Content\n Packaging";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"IMS Learning Design";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"IMS Simple\n Sequencing";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Learner interaction\n scripting language";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Learning Design\n Support Environment";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Learning Material\n Markup Language";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Learning activity\n reference model";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Learning object\n standard";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"MISA";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Narrative diagram";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"SCORM 1.2";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"TeachML";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"UML activity\n diagram";
"educational\n modeling\n languages\n and tools"->"Xerte";
# -- -- the other\n context
# various other stuff, btw. could be developed by looking a LOM
subgraph cluster_1_4 {
node [fontcolor="black"];
"other\n context" [shape=ellipse,color=lightgrey,style=filled,fontcolor="black"];
"other\n context"->"aims";
"other\n context"->"difficulty";
"other\n context"->"pre-requisites";
"other\n context"->"skills";
"other\n context"->"subject";
"other\n context"->"time";
"skills"->"key\n skills";
"skills"->"study\n skills";
# -- -- learning outcomes
subgraph cluster_3 {
node [fontcolor="red"];
"learning\n outcomes" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="red"];
"learning\n outcomes"->"affective\n outcomes";
"learning\n outcomes"->"cognitive\n outcomes";
"learning\n outcomes"->"psychomotor\n outcomes";
subgraph cluster_3_1 {
"affective\n outcomes"->"Aesthetic\n appreciation";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Appreciate";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Awareness";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Commitment";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Ethical\n awareness";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Listen";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Moral\n awareness";
"affective\n outcomes"->"Responsive";
subgraph cluster_3_2 {
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"analysis\n outcomes";
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"application\n outcomes";
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"comprehension\n outcomes";
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"evaluation\n outcomes";
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"knowledge\n outcomes";
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"synthesis\n outcomes";
subgraph cluster_3_2_1 {
"analysis\n outcomes"->"Analyse";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"break\n down";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"compare";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"compare\n and\n contrast";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"critique(2)";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"differentiate\n between";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"distinguish\n between";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"list\n components\n of";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"predict";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"select(2)";
subgraph cluster_3_2_2 {
"application\n outcomes"->"apply(2)";
"application\n outcomes"->"assemble";
"application\n outcomes"->"calculate";
"application\n outcomes"->"construct";
"application\n outcomes"->"demonstrate";
"application\n outcomes"->"hypothesise";
"application\n outcomes"->"infer";
"application\n outcomes"->"investigate(2)";
"application\n outcomes"->"produce";
"application\n outcomes"->"select(3)";
"application\n outcomes"->"solve";
"application\n outcomes"->"translate";
"application\n outcomes"->"use";
"application\n outcomes"->"write(3)";
subgraph cluster_3_2_3 {
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"clarify";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"describe\n reasons\n for";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"explain";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"identify";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"identify\n causes of";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"illustrate";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"question";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"understand";
subgraph cluster_3_2_4 {
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"criticise(2)";
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"evaluate";
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"feedback";
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"give\n arguments\n for and against";
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"judge";
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"reflect";
subgraph cluster_3_2_5 {
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"draw(2)";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"find out/discover";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"list";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"pronounce";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"recall";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"recite";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"recognise";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"reproduce";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"select(4)";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"specify";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"state";
subgraph cluster_3_2_6 {
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"argue";
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"design";
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"explain\n reasons for";
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"generalise";
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"organise";
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"summarise";
subgraph cluster_3_3 {
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"draw(3)";
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"make";
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"perform";
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"play";
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"psychomotor\n exercise";
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"jump";
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"run";
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"swim";
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"throw";
# -- -- outputs
subgraph cluster_5 {
node [fontcolor="red"];
"outputs" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="red"];
"outputs"->"wiki productions";
# -- -- resources
subgraph cluster_6 {
node [fontcolor="orange"];
"resources"->"annotated\n bibliography";
"resources"->"content\n in blogs";
"resources"->"content\n in wikis";
"resources"->"course\n information";
"resources"->"course\n reading\n materials";
"resources"->"discussion\n forum\n content";
"resources"->"grey\n literature";
"resources"->"interactive\n CD ROM";
"resources"->"peer-generated\n resource";
"resources"->"peer-recommended\n sites";
"resources"->"previous\n cohort\n resources";
"resources"->"research\n journal\n articles";
"resources"->"schedule/course\n calendar";
"resources"->"subject-based\n web sites";
# -- -- roles
subgraph cluster_7 {
node [fontcolor="grey"];
// ,pos="1600.0,2000.0"
"roles" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="lightgrey"];
"roles"->"role\n type";
"roles"->"skill\n type";
subgraph cluster_7_1 {
"role\n type"->"Assessor\n -\n peer/other";
"role\n type"->"Coach";
"role\n type"->"Deliverer";
"role\n type"->"Facilitator";
"role\n type"->"Group\n leader";
"role\n type"->"Group\n participant";
"role\n type"->"Group\n spokesperson\n (rapporteur)";
"role\n type"->"Individual\n Learner";
"role\n type"->"Mentor";
"role\n type"->"Moderator";
"role\n type"->"Pair\n person";
"role\n type"->"Presenter";
"role\n type"->"Supervisor";
subgraph cluster_7_2 {
"skill\n type"->"Ability\n to\n learn";
"skill\n type"->"Computer\n literacy";
"skill\n type"->"Creativity";
"skill\n type"->"Critical\n analysis";
"skill\n type"->"Critical\n reading";
"skill\n type"->"Criticism";
"skill\n type"->"Data\n modelling";
"skill\n type"->"Decision\n making";
"skill\n type"->"E-literacy";
"skill\n type"->"Foreign\n languages";
"skill\n type"->"Group/team\n work";
"skill\n type"->"Information\n technology";
"skill\n type"->"Inference";
"skill\n type"->"Information\n handling";
"skill\n type"->"Information\n literacy";
"skill\n type"->"Interpersonal\n competence";
"skill\n type"->"Library";
"skill\n type"->"Listening\n and\n comprehension";
"skill\n type"->"Literacy";
"skill\n type"->"Logical\n argument";
"skill\n type"->"Making\n notes";
"skill\n type"->"Management\n of\n change";
"skill\n type"->"Negotiating";
"skill\n type"->"Numeracy";
"skill\n type"->"Oral\n communication";
"skill\n type"->"Oral\n presentation";
"skill\n type"->"Planning\n and\n organising";
"skill\n type"->"Practical";
"skill\n type"->"Problem\n solving";
"skill\n type"->"Reading";
"skill\n type"->"Referencing";
"skill\n type"->"Research";
"skill\n type"->"Selecting\n and\n prioritising\n information";
"skill\n type"->"Self\n management";
"skill\n type"->"Self\n reflection";
"skill\n type"->"Summarising";
"skill\n type"->"Synthesis";
"skill\n type"->"Time\n management\n and\n organisation";
"skill\n type"->"Written\n communication";
# -- -- the tasks
subgraph cluster_8 {
node [fontcolor="blue"];
// ,pos="800.0,2000.0"
"tasks" [shape=ellipse,color=blue,style=filled,fontcolor="white"];
"tasks"->"task\n types";
"tasks"->"task\n technique";
# "tasks"->"sequence";
# -- -- -- tasks types
subgraph cluster_8_1 {
"task\n types"[fontcolor="blue"];
"task\n types"->"adaptive\n tasks";
"task\n types"->"assimilative\n tasks";
"task\n types"->"communicative\n tasks";
"task\n types"->"experiental\n tasks";
"task\n types"->"information\n handling";
"task\n types"->"productive\n tasks";
"adaptive\n tasks"->"modelling";
"adaptive\n tasks"->"simulation\n task";
"assimilative\n tasks"->"read";
"assimilative\n tasks"->"write";
"assimilative\n tasks"->"listen";
"information\n handling"->"gather";
"information\n handling"->"order";
"information\n handling"->"classify";
"information\n handling"->"select";
"information\n handling"->"analyse";
"information\n handling"->"manipulate";
"communicative\n tasks"->"discuss";
"communicative\n tasks"->"present";
"communicative\n tasks"->"debate";
"productive\n tasks"->"compose";
"productive\n tasks"->"create";
"productive\n tasks"->"criticise";
"productive\n tasks"->"critique";
"productive\n tasks"->"draw";
"productive\n tasks"->"produce\n task";
"productive\n tasks"->"remix";
"productive\n tasks"->"sythesize";
"productive\n tasks"->"write(2)";
"experiental\n tasks"->"apply";
"experiental\n tasks"->"experience";
"experiental\n tasks"->"explore";
"experiental\n tasks"->"investigate";
"experiental\n tasks"->"mimick";
"experiental\n tasks"->"perform\n task";
"experiental\n tasks"->"practice";
# -- -- -- tasks techniques
subgraph cluster_8_2 {
"task\n technique"->"answering";
"task\n technique"->"asking";
"task\n technique"->"brainstorming";
"task\n technique"->"buzz\n words";
"task\n technique"->"crosswords";
"task\n technique"->"debating";
"task\n technique"->"demonstrating";
"task\n technique"->"discussing";
"task\n technique"->"drill\n and practice";
"task\n technique"->"exercise";
"task\n technique"->"experimenting";
"task\n technique"->"fishbowl";
"task\n technique"->"game\n playing";
"task\n technique"->"ice\n breaker";
"task\n technique"->"investigating";
"task\n technique"->"journaling";
"task\n technique"->"pair\n dialogues";
"task\n technique"->"panel\n discussion";
"task\n technique"->"peer\n exchange";
"task\n technique"->"practising";
"task\n technique"->"presenting";
"task\n technique"->"puzzles";
"task\n technique"->"question/answer";
"task\n technique"->"reflecting";
"task\n technique"->"role\n play";
"task\n technique"->"rounds";
"task\n technique"->"scavenger\n hunt";
"task\n technique"->"snowball";
"task\n technique"->"snowballing";
"task\n technique"->"structured\n debate";
"task\n technique"->"studying";
"task\n technique"->"tutorial";
"task\n technique"->"voting";
"task\n technique"->"web\n search";
# -- -- -- (tasks) interaction
subgraph cluster_8_3 {
"interaction"->"1 to 1 student\n to\n student";
"interaction"->"1 to 1 student\n to\n tutor";
"interaction"->"1 to many";
"interaction"->"Class\n based";
"interaction"->"Group\n based";
# -- -- -- task assessment
subgraph cluster_8_4 {
"assessment"->"assessment\n type";
"assessment"->"assessment\n technique";
subgraph cluster_8_4_1 {
"assessment\n type"->"diagnostic";
"assessment\n type"->"formative";
"assessment\n type"->"summative";
"assessment\n type"->"not\n assessed";
subgraph cluster_8_4_2 {
"assessment\n technique"->"artifact";
"assessment\n technique"->"assignment";
"assessment\n technique"->"contribution\n to discussion";
"assessment\n technique"->"defence";
"assessment\n technique"->"dissertation/thesis";
"assessment\n technique"->"electronic";
"assessment\n technique"->"essay";
"assessment\n technique"->"exercise(2)";
"assessment\n technique"->"face\n to face";
"assessment\n technique"->"field\n work";
"assessment\n technique"->"game";
"assessment\n technique"->"lab\n work";
"assessment\n technique"->"MCQ";
"assessment\n technique"->"notes";
"assessment\n technique"->"objective\n structure\n clinical\n examination";
"assessment\n technique"->"off lab\n records";
"assessment\n technique"->"oral";
"assessment\n technique"->"peer\n assessment";
"assessment\n technique"->"performance";
"assessment\n technique"->"portfolio";
"assessment\n technique"->"practical";
"assessment\n technique"->"presentation";
"assessment\n technique"->"product";
"assessment\n technique"->"role\n play ass.";
"assessment\n technique"->"self\n assessment";
"assessment\n technique"->"short\n answer";
"assessment\n technique"->"simulation";
"assessment\n technique"->"small-scale\n research/enquiry";
"assessment\n technique"->"summary";
"assessment\n technique"->"test";
"assessment\n technique"->"viva";
# -- -- tools
subgraph cluster_10 {
node [fontcolor="green"];
"tools" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="green"];
"tools"->"bibliographic\n software";
"tools"->"caa\n tools";
"tools"->"digital\n audio";
"tools"->"digital\n video";
"tools"->"discussion\n board";
"tools"->"electronic\n library";
"tools"->"graphic\n package";
"tools"->"instant\n messaging";
"tools"->"ipod/mp3\n player";
"tools"->"image\n software";
"tools"->"memory\n stick";
"tools"->"mind map";
"tools"->"modelling\n nvivo";
"tools"->"online\n assessment";
"tools"->"project\n manager";
"tools"->"search\n engine";
"tools"->"simulation\n software";
"tools"->"statistical\n software";
"tools"->"text image\n audio or\n video viewer";
"tools"->"video\n conferencing";
"tools"->"virtual worlds";
"tools"->"voice\n over IP";
"tools"->"Voting system";
"tools"->"word processor";
# "tools"->"adaptive";
# "tools"->"communicative";
# "tools"->"productive";
# "tools"->"narrative";
# "tools"->"interactive";
Links and Bibliography
- Conole, Gráinne and Karen Fill (2005). A learning design toolkit to create pedagogically effective learning activities. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (Advances in Learning Design. Special Issue, eds. Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper), 2005/08. ISSN:1365-893X Abstract (PDF/HTML open access)
- Conole, G. & Fill, K. "Designing a Learning Activity Toolkit." Ed-Media 2004 Poster, Lugano, Switzerland PPT
- Conole.G. (2010), State of the Art report on training teachers, blended learning and elearning (draft for discussion version), The Open University HTML, retrieved May 2010.
- (Before I answer, I have to look at these drawings a bit ...)