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Week 3

Topics Covered

Valid HTML
  • Why is valid code important and what needs to be validated ?
  • Validation strategies
Styling with CSS
  • Introduction to CSS

Teaching materials

Classroom activities


We will look at three kinds of validation tools:

There are several types of validation tools:

  • HTML/XHTML validation
  • CSS validation
  • Links checking (are they broken ?)
  • Accessibility checking (can impaired people use the web site)

The W3C Quality Assurance Tool set includes several tools

  1. (Markup Validation Service)
    • You can enter a URL, upload file or directly copy/paste code
    • Supported formats (Sept 2009): HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML
  2. (W3C Links Checker)
  3. (on line CSS validation service)
    • URL validation: You can enter either an HTML/XHTML URL or just a CSS
    • Alternatively you can upload a CSS file (and pick the CSS profile).
  4. Other tools, e.g. a Feed validator are available from the Quality page ...

Using web browser development tools

  • Use of HTML Validator (install it if you didn't do it on week2). Basically you just go View-Source and look at the errors.

Using Tidy inside NoteTab light

  • This may not work (since Tidy must installed on your computer)

Using the tidy program

  • You can get various flavors from SourceForge
    • download HTML Tidy (command prompt tool that can be used withing several free/open source text editors like NoteTab Light).
Wednesday (and some of Monday probably)
  • Associating a stylesheet
    • Inline Styles
    • Embedded Style Sheets
    • Linking External Style Sheets
  • CSS Validation ( )
  • CSS Selectors
  • Text styling (e.g. fonts, size, aligns)
  • HTML div and span tags
  • Backgrounds
  • CSS “boxes” , positioning elements and text flow (if time only !)


Task: Create a little HTML page that spells out a proposition for a term project

  1. Think about objectives and requirements for your term project
  2. Create an HTML page (either in HTML 4.01 strict or XHTML strict) and write down a draft proposal
  3. Create an external CSS stylesheet that is linked to the HTML page


  • HTML must include at least 3 titles plus paragraphs and lists (of your choice)
  • Define a global default CSS rule or a rule for the body
  • Define an extra rule for titles, paragraphs and list elements


  • I only will evaluate whether you comply with the constraints, the technical and design quality of the CSS and the validity of the HTML
  • The term project proposal will not be evaluated and it is not yet binding.


  • Upload both the HTML and the CSS file to the Worldclassroom before start of week 4 lesson.