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Final exam

The final exam focused on interactivity and students received a *.fla file to complete/repair. Several tasks had to be completed, some easy and some more difficult.

Prepare for the following subjects:

Mid-term exam requirements
  • Using library *.fla buttons (just change the label)
  • Making your own buttons from simple (!) drawings (including drawings for the different button states)
  • Using button components (label, change of width)
Videos and Sound
  • Sound embedded into the timeline
  • Videos embedded into the timeline
  • Simple use of the video component
  • Simple event handling functions and registration of mouse click events

Example code:

// timeline moving
function forward(event:MouseEvent) { gotoAndStop(2); }

// Play an embedded movie clip
function start_kite(event:MouseEvent) {;

You should be able to master following simple ActionScript "instructions":

  • change the visibility of an object on the stage
  • play and stop an embedded movie clip
  • move around in the timeline

Example code:

cat.visible = true;
cat.visible = false;



    • Timeline organization: being able to stop animation and to jump to frames.
  • You also should remember subjects from the previous exam (drawing and animation principles)

Not covered in the exam:

  • ActionScript program flow (e.g. if and switch statements)
  • Special effects
  • Video captions and Video cue points
  • Loading of external sources other than video.
  • Keypress events

Other information:

  • All materials are allowed (e.g. books, handouts, web pages)
  • Use of communication tools is strictly forbidden (no chat, no mail, etc.). No talking between students. Offenders may get an F.

Note: You can look at the Final exam 2007