Flash datagrid component tutorial

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This is part of the flash tutorials


Learning goals
  • Learn how to use the DataGrid component
Flash level
  • CS3 and ActionScript 3

To use the DataGrid component, you should know some ActionScript, e.g.

Moving on
Level and target population
  • Beginners
  • This should help you solve some problems

Data Grid level 0 - Creating and filling with data

“The DataGrid class is a list-based component that provides a grid of rows and columns. You can specify an optional header row at the top of the component that shows all the property names. Each row consists of one or more columns, each of which represents a property that belongs to the specified data object. The DataGrid component is used to view data; it is not intended to be used as a layout tool like an HTML table. (DataGrid, retrieved 10:12, 30 October 2008 (UTC)).”

Let's create a table to display information about Learning management systems, i.e. datagrid with 3 colums. Column 1 is called "Name", column 2 is "Licence", column 3 is "Description. We then also will add 4 rows of data.

Two simple Flash DataGrids

You may have a look at the data-grid-0 example now or open the thumbnail of the screendump to the right.

Below we will show three solutions:

  • Creating a most simple DataGrid with Flash CS3 by dragging a component to the stage.
  • Doing it with CS3 but using only ActionScript
  • Doing it with AS3 only, i.e. the Flex way (not done yet)

Adding code for a DataGrid instance

Step 1 - Make a DataGrid instance
  • Open the components library (e.g. hit CTRL-F7)
  • Drag a DataGrid to the stage
  • Give it an instance name, e.g. datagrid

You now will see an emty square on the stage without any visual appeal.

Step 2 - Resize

In the properties panel, make it a big bigger, e.g. w:300 and H:200

Step 3 - Fill in some data with ActionScript

If your instance name is datagrid then hit F9 in frame 1 (or whereever you want it to be) and copy/paste this code. The result is a three column table with headers.

datagrid.addItem({Name:"Moodle", Licence:"GPL (free)", Description:"Good for blended activity-oriented teaching"});
datagrid.addItem({Name:"ATutor", Licence:"Free", Description:"Good for content-oriented teaching"});
datagrid.addItem({Name:"Blackboard", Licence:"Commercial", Description:"Good for content and exercice-oriented teaching"});
datagrid.addItem({Name:"MediaWiki", Licence:"GPL (free)", 
  Description:"Good for writing-to-learn and technical mini-projects teaching"});

The result is not absolutely convincing, since you can't read the contents of column three. It shows the minimum AS code you need to know in order to fill in DataGrid tables.

You can tune some properties of this grid within the Component Inspector (Shift-F7) or the properties panel. E.g. we made the cells editable. But most tayloring has to be done through ActionScript coding. There are dozens of properties and methods. In addition since the DataGrid is an assembly of Column and Cell objects you also may change things at these levels.

Below we show a slightly improved version.

Alternative - Pure AS3 creation

Instead of opening the component library, then dragging the component to the stage and giving it an instance name, you could just enter the code below in frame 1 of the main timeline. However, you still need a DataGrid component in your library ! (E.g. drag the component to the stage, then kill the instance).

Firstly we have to import some standard packages that we will need.

 // Import the necessary packages
 import fl.controls.DataGrid;
 import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy
 // Now create a a new instance of DataGrid and name it "datagrid_AS"
 var datagrid_AS:DataGrid = new DataGrid();

We also taylor the size of column three and make the whole widget horizontally scollable. To do so we have to assign the column instance we want to change to a variable. This way, we can change its properties:

 // this is to make col. 3 a bit bigger
 var col3 = datagrid_AS.addColumn("Description");
 col3.minWidth = 350;

Then we have to set the size for the whole Grid

 // Fix the size
 datagrid_AS.width = 400;
 // Set the height to the number of rows + 1 (for the header).
 datagrid_AS.rowCount = datagrid_AS.length + 1;

Finally, we position this instance relative to the stage and put it on the stage for real.

 // Position it at x=300 and y = 70
 datagrid_AS.move(300, 70);
 // Then add it to the stage

Here is the complete code (that also can be found in the *.fla source file below):

// Import the necessary packages
import fl.controls.DataGrid;
import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy

// Now create a a new instance of DataGrid and name it "datagrid_AS"
var datagrid_AS:DataGrid = new DataGrid();

// this is to make col. 3 a bit bigger
var col3 = datagrid_AS.addColumn("Description");
col3.minWidth = 350;
datagrid_AS.addItem({Name:"Moodle", Licence:"Free", Description:"Good for blended activity-oriented teaching"});
datagrid_AS.addItem({Name:"ATutor", Licence:"Free", Description:"Good for content-oriented teaching"});
datagrid_AS.addItem({Name:"Blackboard", Licence:"Commercial", Description:"Good for content and exercice-oriented teaching"});
datagrid_AS.addItem({Name:"MediaWiki", Licence:"GPL (free)", Description:"Good for writing-to-learn and technical mini-projects teaching"});

// Fix the size
datagrid_AS.width = 400;
// Set the height to the number of rows + 1 (for the header)
datagrid_AS.rowCount = datagrid_AS.length + 1;

// Position it at x=400 and y = 50
datagrid_AS.move(300, 70);

// Horizontal scrolling is on
datagrid_AS.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.ON ;

// Then add it to the stage

Example code

Data Grid level 1 - Dynamic fill-in

A dynamic data grid growing with user interaction data

We now shall see how to fill in a DataGrid with data from user interaction. E.g. we built a simple application that let's the user select three colors from a list of buttons which then will show up in the Grid. This is totally useless appliation, but it allows to show the principle.

You may have a look at the data-grid-1 example now or open the thumbnail of the screendump to the right.

// Import the necessary packages
import fl.controls.DataGrid;
import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;

// --------------------- DataGrid init ----------------------------

// Now create a a new instance of DataGrid and name it "data_grid"
var data_grid:DataGrid = new DataGrid();

var col1:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn ("c1");
col1.headerText = "1st choice:";
var col2:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn ("c2");
col2.headerText = "2nd choice:";
var col3:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn ("c3");
col3.headerText = "3rd choice:";


// Fix the size
data_grid.width = 300;
// data_grid.height=300;
// Set the height to five rows
data_grid.rowCount = 5;

// Position it at x=400 and y = 50
data_grid.move(250, 70);

// Then add it to the stage

// ----------------------- Buttons code

// This is the list of instance names we createn CS3
var button_list:Array = [blue,cyan,green,pink,red,yellow];
// For all we register the same Event Handler function
for (var i:Number=0; i<button_list.length; i++) {
    button_list[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, colorPick);

// A an array of max 3 elements (i.e. what the user picked)
var selected_colors = new Array ();

function colorPick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    var obj = evt.target;
    // A picked object goes hidden
    obj.visible = false;
    // Once the user got three, we display and reset all buttons to visible
    if (selected_colors.length==3) {
        // fill in the three cols. Warning: it's the "c1" etc. property defined above
        data_grid.addItem({c1:selected_colors[0], c2:selected_colors[1], c3:selected_colors[2]});
        for (var i:Number=0; i<button_list.length; i++) {
            button_list[i].visible = true;
        selected_colors = new Array ();

Data Grid - using external data sources

Typically data that should go for display and editing in a data grid may sit in data structures produced by a server-side application. The best way to deal with these data sources is probably exportint/importing as XML.


Adobe tutorials
Other tutorials
Official documentation
  • DataGrid (AS3 Language and components reference)
  • fl.data Reference manual for data associated (Adobe ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference)