Note: Copy/Paste from http://tecfa.unige.ch/guides/emacs/pointers.html (will clean this up sometimes soon I hope - Daniel K. Schneider 19:33, 2 November 2007 (MET)
Emacs is a text editor, and much more. XEmacs provides a comprehensive enviroment where you can edit source code, or multiple text files, read mail or news, and even edit files remotely using FTP.
There exist many variants: The most popular ones are Xemacs and GNU emacs
Specialized tips
(Some tips regarding formats discussed in this wiki)
Install: actionscript-mode.el written by Pet Tomato. Tested by Daniel K. Schneider with GnuEmacs 21.4.1 under Ubuntu.
- See XML Editor for the moment ...
Manuals & Short References
- XEmacs Documentation, all kind of manuals in PDF
- GNU Emacs Reference Card (attention!!! for GNU emacs) [local copy]
- XEMACS Emacs Reference Card (attention format POSTSCRIPT [local copy]
- XEMACS Emacs Reference Card (PDF)
- [dired-refcard.gnu.pdf DIRED Mode Reference Card (PDF)] (just the directory editor for GNU emacs)
- EmacsWiki Good wiki site for both Emacs and Xemacs (multi-lingual)
- A la découverte de GNU Emacs
En français:
- EmacsWiki - français, encore)
- Manuel Gnu Emacs
Customization Links
Configuring the functionalities of XEmacs:
- The very unofficial dotemacs home: best overall site
- Robin S. Socha's XEmacs Settings : well-commented dot file collection and screen shots
- Erik Sundermann's XEmacs Customization Page: good 'starter' .emacs customization page (but a bit old!)
- Emacs keybindings Good (but very technical) document for all Emacsen
- XEmacs FAQ in english
- XEmacs FAQ en fran�ais
- XEmacs FAQ en fran�ais
- XEmacs mailing lists
On the Web you can find many mini-tutorials, there are also book chapters, etc.
- There's the XEmacs tutorial available from the Help Menu under `Basics->Tutorials', or by typing C-h t. To check whether it's available in a non-english language, type C-u C-h t TAB, type the first letters of your preferred language, then type RET.
- Emacs Beginner's Tutorial by J.D. Zawodny @ RootPrompt.org
- XEmacs Tutorial Introduction by Sarah Waterson
- Tutorial - xemacs (good, but Very short)
En fran�ais:
- GNU Emacs: tutorial (en fran�ais)
- Aller plus loin avec GNU Emacs
Specialized topics
Emacs programming
- Emacs Lisp information (includes pointers to general emacs resources too)
(Some) Emacs Modes
- Html helper mode
- The Emacs Package "hm--html-menus", a mode that helps editing html pages.
- PSGML Mode home page. SEE the XML page for more pointers on PSGML !!
- Using Emacs for XML documents, good IBM developerWorks article (installation, configuration, external validator)
- Java Development Environment for Emacs (JDE)
Tools / Software
Other Links
- x and emacsen stuff (some links to tips and guides, many dead links )
- XEmacs Home Page.