List of web 2.0 applications

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This is a list of web 2.0 applications. I should centralize software discussed in rich internet applications, virtual office, social software, personal learning environments etc.

Basically I want this to be a toolkit

Note: webtops (applications that integrate web widgets, i.e. lots of web 2.0 applications are described apart.

The List

'Notice: this will be totally reorganized, for the moment it's just a reshuffle of dwebb68 that I use to bootstrap this. I also have to come a way to categorize multi-functional tools. - Daniel K. Schneider

Major sources are/were:


Desktop (webtops), also called mashups.

Google Homepage, Clic!Dev, Computadora, Desktoptwo, eskobo, eyeOS, Favoor, HomePortals, NetVibes, Nowsy, ORCA Desktop, Pageflakes, Protopage, Windows Live, YouOS, YourMinis, Zimbio, XIN

Feed Reader (news feed aggregators)

Google Reader, Bloglines, FeedLounge, Feeds 2.0, NewsAlloy, NewsGator, Newshutch, Rojo, Wizag.



Gmail, Hotmail, Mailroom, Simdesk,, Yahoo! Mail, Zimbra Collaboration Suite.


eFax, InterFax, TrustFax, and more.

Feed Processor

Feed Digest, FeedBlitz, FeedBurner, Feeds2Be, SocialMail, Spanning Salesforce, Teleflip.

File Sender

YouSendIt,, DropLoad, DropSend, Krunch, MailBigFile, Gigafile.

Instant Messenger (instant messaging)

Meebo, Campfire,, Gabbly, JumpChat, Kool IM, Lingr, Mabber, MSN Web Messenger, Wablet.


Zoho Polls, dPolls, PollGenius,, QuestionForm.


SpinVox, Aptela, GotVoice, Odeo.

Web Conferencing

Vyew, Webex, GoToMeeting

Writing applications


Gmail, Fleck, Google Notebook, Helipad, Magnoto,,, SnapBits, SNIPPit, StickyTag, stikkit, Workspace, Wridea.

Weblog (blogs)

WordPress, Blogger, Blogtronix, TypePad.

Word Processor

oho Writer, ajaxWrite, gOFFICE Word Processing, iNetWord, RallyPoint, ThinkFree Write, Writeboard, Writely.

Desktop Publishing

gOFFICE Desktop Publishing

Document Manager

EchoSign, Alfresco, Blinksale, FreshBooks, Koral, ShareMethods.

Web Publishing

Google Pages, Blockstar, Freewebs, Office Live, SiteKreator, Socialtext, Synthasite, Weebly, Weebly, Wetpaint.

Data analysis and calulation


Google Calculator, Calcoolate, Instacalc.


Zoho Sheet, ajaxXLS, EditGrid, gOFFICE Spreadsheets, Google Spreadsheets, iRows, Num Sum, Sheester, ThinkFree Calc, wikiCalc.

Data management and repositories


Dabble DB, Caspio Bridge, eUnifyDB, Google Base, Lazybase, MyOwnDB, QuickBase, Zoho Creator.

File Manager

fluxiom, Backpack,, Omnidrive, Openomy, Streamload, Strongspace, Xmail Hard Drive.

File Server


Tagging and social bookmarking

Bookmarks (social bookmarking), BlinkList, BlogMarks, Blue Dot, Clipmarks, Cogenz, ConnectBeam, Diigo, Furl, Google Bookmarks, listal, LookLater, ma.gnolia, Netvouz, Raw Sugar, Simpy, Spurl, Yahoo! My Web, zurpy.

reference managers

Media players and sharing

Photo Manager

Flickr, 23, AllYouCanUpload, Riya, SmugMug, Zenfolio, Zoto.

Music Player

MP3tunes, ajaxTunes, Jinzora,, Pandora, Streampad.

Multimedia editing, Presentation and Drawing

Photo Editing

PXN8, Phixr, Pixer, Snipshot, and more.


Zoho Show, AJAX-S, Empressr, fliptrack, gOFFICE Presentations, Preezo, S5, Scooch, Slide, Slideshare, Spresent, ThinkFree Show, Thumbstacks.


Gliffy, ajaxSketch, Cumulate Draw, Imagination Cubed, LiThA-Paint.

Mind Mapper (concept maps)



iOutliner, iJot, Listigator, ListPool, Nelements, SproutLiner.

Sound Mixer

RAZZ Mixer

Video Editing

Jumpcut, eyespot.



LinkedIn, OpenBC, Plaxo, Plugoo.



Google Calendar, 30 Boxes, CalendarHub, Epointment, HipCal, Jotlet, Kiko, Planzo, Scrybe, Spongecell, TimeBridge, Trumba, vivapop.

Group Manager

CollectiveX, AirSet, BlueTie, Central Desktop,, Foldera, GroupLoop, GroupSharp, HiveLive, TeamWork Live, Todoz, WebEx WebOffice.

Personal Organizer
  •, Student organizer and social notetaking tool where students can create a schedule, track their grades, manage a to do list, store files for classes, and write public notes in an outline-like format.
  • Zoho Planner, Athyrium, MyTicklerFile, SynapseLife, Tracks, TracksLife, voo2do.
(project management software, collaborative planning software)

Zoho Project, 1time, Basecamp, Confluence, Devshop, DreamTeam, ProjectPipe, ProWorkflow,, Side Job Track, teamwork.

Task Manager
(project management software, collaborative planning software)

Ta-da Lists, Bla-bla List, e2doList, iPrioritize, Joe's Goals, Orchestrate, Remember The Milk, Rough Underbelly, TaskFreak!, TaskTHIS, tasktoy, Toodledo, Tudu Lists, Wallnote,Remember the milk

Time Tracking

Tick, 14Dayz, Beeplet, Harvest, minutes in a minute, SlimTimer, Time Tracker, Time59, Toggl.

Development and webos

Development Tool

Ning, Coghead, Dapper, Mashery, Morfik, Pingdom.

Operating System

Zoho Virtual Office, Firestoker, goowy, Joyent, Nsite.



SugarCRM, Relenta CRM, Salesboom,



Command Prompt

YubNub, JS/UIX.

Expense Tracker

foonance, billQ, ClearCheckbook, Mvelopes, OneStatement.

Form Designer

Wufoo, FormLogix, FormSpring, Icebrrg, jotForm, Sidewalk, Sidewalk, The Form Assembly.


Kinko's, Big Blue Saw, Lulu.


scanR, Mytago.


Timeline, emurse, FiveRuns, MyOpenID, Naymz, simplifid, Zamzar.

Links and References

Introductions for educators

See also e-learning 2.0 and personal learning environment. Here we focus on articles that contain lists of useful applications.

  • Anderson, Paul, What Is Web 2.0? Ideas, Technologies and Implications for Education, JISC Technology and Standards Wath, PDF. One of the best technical overviews of web 2.0 I have seen - Daniel K. Schneider)
  • Benzinger, Brian (2006), Back to School with the Class of Web 2.0: Part 1, [1]. On 19:51, 14 May 2007 (MEST) this was the best "web 2.0" list made specifically for education I found. This article has three parts. [], [], [] - Daniel K. Schneider.
  • MacManus, Richard (2007). e-learning 2.0 Infiltrates the Classroom, Read/Write Web, HTML
  • D'Souza, Quentin, 100+ Web 2.0 Ideas for Educators: A Guide to RSS and More. Abstract/PDF
  • Molina, Pablo G. and the 2006 EDUCAUSE Evolving Technologies Committee, Pioneering New Territory and Technologies, EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 41, no. 5 (September/October 2006): 112-35 HTML/PDF
  • Wagner, Mark (2006). Best of 2006: The Read/Write Web in Education, HTML.


web2.0 / Office 2.0 lists and databases

Office 2.0 oriented blog entries and articles

  • Descy, Don E., (2007). Browser-based Online Applications: Something for Everyone!, TechTrends 1, Number 2 / March, 2007. 10.1007/s11528-007-0014-z PDF.
  • Ghalimi, Ismael, Office 2.0, IT|Redux index of overview articles, HTML, retrieved 16:49, 26 April 2007 (MEST).
  • Ghalimi, Ismael (2006), How To Build a Website with Office 2.0, IT|Redux, [2], retrieved 16:49, 26 April 2007 (MEST).
  • Hayes, Alexander, A Web Office Toolkit HTML, retrieved 16:49, 26 April 2007 (MEST). (a large list).
  • Hinchcliffe, Dion, Blogs, wikis, and Web 2.0 as the next application platform, ZDNet article, HTML, retrieved 16:49, 26 April 2007 (MEST)