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e-Framework has been developed by Daniel R. Rehak to “to facilitate technical interoperability within and acress educationa and research through improved stategic planning and implementation processes” ([1], retrieved 09:30, 24 April 2007 (MEST)).

Architecture of the framework


Software components

The e-framework is documented by Services, Service Usage Models and Guides

(1) Services

Within the e-Framework, it is used in the sense of a technical service that promotes interoperability between systems ([2]). It relies on a number of web technologies: service-oriented approaches (soa), Service-oriented architectures (SOA) and web services.

(2) Service Usage Models

{{quotation | SUMs provide a description of the needs, requirements, workflows, management policies and processes within a domain and the mapping of these to a design of a structured collection of Service Genres and Service Expressions, resources, associated standards, specifications, data formats, protocols, bindings, etc., that can be used to implement software applications within the domain. In other words, SUMs model how services meet business needs. ([3], retrieved 09:45, 24 April 2007 (MEST)]).

(3) Guides

Explain contributors to the framework how to write and submit documents with Service Genre descriptions, Service Expression descriptions and Service Usage Models, etc.


  • e-framework.org. The e-Framework for Education and Research is an initiative by the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and Australia's Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). The primary goal of the e-Framework is to facilitate technical interoperability within and across education and research through improved strategic planning and implementation processes.