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Week 4 - COAP 3180

Topics Covered

HTML principles recalled

  • HTML Forms
  • (XMLhttprequest)

Introduction to PHP

  • Principles of PHP programming
  • HTML forms tutorial
  • Simple PHP/MySQL interaction

Working with Apache/PHP/MySQL

  • Web server organization (a look at Mowes)

Using PHP/MySQL webform generators:

Classroom activities

  • Recall of HTML principles (lecture)
  • Exploration of the PHP language (lecture)
HTML-PHP Example

File form.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Simple test with</title></head>
<h1>Simple test with PHP</h1><hr>
 <form action="process-it.php" method="post">

 What do you know about HTML ?
 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="1" checked>little
 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="2">some
 <input type="radio" name="choice" value="3">everything

 What is your programming experience ?
 <input type="radio" name="choice2" value="1" checked>none
 <input type="radio" name="choice2" value="2">some
 <input type="radio" name="choice2" value="3">good
 <input type="submit" value="See result!">

File process-it.php:

  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <html><head><title>Simple test with</title></head><body>
      <h1>Simple test with PHP</h1><hr>

  // Get variables from the form
  $choice = $_POST['choice'];
  $choice2 = $_POST['choice2'];

  // Compute the score
  $score = $choice + $choice2;
  // Display the score
  echo "<h3>Your score is " . $score . "</h3>";
  if ($score < 3) {
    echo "<p>You are a beginner</p>";
  } elseif ($score < 5) {
    echo "<p>You have some knowledge</p>";
  } else {
    echo "<p>You are an expert !</p>";

  • PHP MySQL functions (exploration of the online PHP manual / Slides)
  • Use of PhP/MySQL generators

Midterm exam (Wednesday)

Main subjects will be SQL and a little bit of database design. "Minor" subject will be web application architecture (high level principles)


    • Joins (select from two tables)
    • Data types: Integer, Float, VarChar, text
    • DEFAULT, NOT NULL, Auto increment
    • Keys
    • Primary keys
  • INSERT (both forms(
  • DROP

Database design:

  • Simple 2-3 table architectures
  • 1 to N and N to N relations between tables

Exam will be "open book". I will include a set of various tasks (e.g. a simple design problem, repair problems, conceptual questions)

Homework 4

Generate and configure an web application based on SQL table definitions.

Details TBA

Submission Dates

  • This homework is due at start of wednesday week 5
  • Students must provide the URL (where the instructor can see the widget) in the world classroom
  • Each homework counts 10% in your global evaluation. The four best homeworks will be taken into account.



Tips for the homework

Software, teaching materials and links

Software (installed in the Lab)
Teaching materials
PHP with MySQL tutorials

Reading these is optional, since PHP coding will not be tested in an exam or in the term project. Below are a few PHP and PHP/MySQL tutorials that can be found on the net. There exist many others.

  • PHP Tutorial (W3C Schools, includes a section about PHP/MySQL).
  • Williams, Hugh, E. (2002). Tips for Building Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, onLamp article (O'Reilly Databases). HTML