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Week 3

Theme: Transformation of graphics and morphing

Layers (again)
Transformation of objects
  • Topics: Simple transformation (scaling, rotating, skewing, distorting), envelope transformation of a shape with either the select tool, envelope transforms or the sub-selection tool.
  • Handout: Flash object transform tutorial
Arranging objects
Colors and gradients
Bitmap tracing
Shape tweening
Mid-term exam preparation

See the week 4 program

Homework 3 - Week 3


Think about a simple shape animation that you would like to create, e.g. something that could evolve into a comic strip, a splash page, a moving logo, an explanatory animation, etc.

Then create a Flash file that includes:

  • At least two shape tweened objects.
  • At least a color change and a form change (i.e. at least one object must change its form and its color)

These tweens can be made in the main time line (in different layers) or inside embedded movie clips.

Reuse of homework 1
  • If you wish you can reuse prior homework (in any way you like). But this is by no means an obligation nor does it have an influence on grading.
  • In many cases you want to tween through several stages and then back to the original.
Submission date and format
  • To be returned by Monday, at start of week 4 lesson
  • Use the following Flash file name project3-familyname-firstname.fla, e.g.
... It helps me to distinguish these files and we want to avoid overwriting.
Other constraints
  • Reuse of objects: 1/3 must be drawn by yourself, max. 1/3 imported but customized, max. 1/3 imported as is. (So you also can do everything by yourself).
  • The shape tween must be made by yourself.
  • You must fill in a document description using the same template as in homework 1.
  • Homework projects are individual. If you work with others, make sure that the individual projects differ, i.e. the "reuse of objects" criteria above apply.
The document description

Your xxx-xxx.fla file must include a document description.

  • Insert it with menu Modify->Document
  • Enter a title and description
  • See the usual template