Homework 4 - COAP 3180 Fall 2 2007
- Write some Xquery code to retrieve data from an XML collection
Part 1
- Find somewhere or create a file with some XML data (at least 1 page long)
- Write at least two different XQuery expressions to retrieve data from this file
Due: Monday Week 6
Note: Programmers who wish to play with their own XML database can download eXist from source forge. Get the latest 1.1.x-newcore version, e.g. eXist-1.1.1-newcore-build4311.jar.
To install it, type in a command window: java -jar eXist-1.1.1-newcore-build4311.jar
Part 2
- (The teacher's eXist server)
- Add an XML file to the //db/coap/coap3180 collection
- Variant A (ok for non programmers)
- Create at least two XQueries that can return some kind of HTML
- Submit them with a REST GET request
- Keep these URLs in a file and hand them over to the instructor
- Variant B
- Create a PHP script that uses the REST API or some other library (but this may turn out to be more work than you'd expect)
- Return a result in html (e.g. via php code, with a server-side XSLT stylesheet).
Due: Monday, week 7. Note: Since XML databases are relatively new technology and require Java programming knowledge for real life projects, I kept this homework as easy as I could....
Classroom activities
Use Xquery with an XML editor
- Learning how to use the XML Exchanger editor
- Launch XML Exchanger lite.
- In the left panel open all the files under xquery
- Click on the bottom tab with the books.xml file
- In the menubar select Transform->XQuery
- Note: You can find the xq file somewhere near the same place
- Repair the result file. There are some useless tags.
- Other XML examples
- Other examples files can be found on the N drive
Files from Essential XQuery - The XML Query Language
Also some more ambitious
- (various Shakespeare texts)
- (700k DITA document)
Become somewhat familiar with eXist and its REST interface
Instructor's Web site: (Official exist web site:
See also: eXist Crib sheet (part of the XQuery Wiki book
- Note: To play with these examples your firewall must not block port 8080 !
- Launch the Java Webstart client (username = coap, password will be announced)
- Add a document to the //db/coap/coap3180 collection
- Retrieve some information with the REST interface and return it with some kind of html (browser must display it)
- XPath Examples (make sure to retrieve the whole lines !)
See the slides (not distributed with an URL, since not good enough ... get them from the N: drive
Simple XPath query:[SPEAKER=%22JULIET%22]&_start=1&_howmany=10[SPEAKER=%22JULIET%22]&_start=1&_howmany=10
- XQuery examples
Xquery returning an XML fragment (using the full URL path): $t in //recipe let $name := $t//recipe_name return <name>{$name/text()} </name>
Xquery returning an XML fragment (alternative version): click $t in document("/db/coap/cooking/dolores.xml")//recipe let $name := $t//recipe_name return <name>{$name/text()} </name>
- Creating HTML with XQuery
Xquery returning some kind of HTML: Click<html> <body>List of names: <ul> { for $t in document("/db/coap/cooking/dolores.xml")//recipe let $name := $t//recipe_name return <li>{$name/text()} </li> } </ul></body></html>
Applying a XSLT stylesheet to the result
By default, eXist will apply a stylesheet attached to the document to the result (therefore you'd have to modify it to cope will all sorts of query results). Alternatively you also can upload a xslt file to eXist or use one that sits on an other server: $t in //recipe let $name := $t//recipe_name return <name>{$name/text()} </name>
Here is the code for the stylesheet "result.xsl". Note that we also declared the exist namespace, since by default eXist will wrap query results in exist:result tags
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0" xmlns:exist="" exclude-result-prefixes="exist"> <xsl:output method="html"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <html> <head><title>Query results</title></head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <h1>Query results</h1> <ul> <xsl:apply-templates/> </ul> </body> </html> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="//name"> <li> <xsl:apply-templates/> </li> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
XHTML serialization
Instead of applying a stylesheet, you also may directly produce XHTML. On part of the XQuery/XSLT 2.0 standard allows tools to define extensions to do so.
xquery version "1.0"; declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml omit-xml-declaration=no indent=yes encoding=iso-8859-1 doctype-public=-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN doctype-system='"; (: Retrieve some canned stuff from an XML file in the db :) <html> <head> <title>List of directors</title> </head> <body> <h1>List of directors</h1> <ul> { for $realisateur in document("/db/test-xquery/dvd.xml")/dvd/fiche/Realisateur return <li> Name: { $realisateur/text() } </li> } </ul> Note: This xq file can be called with the URL: <a href=""> </a> <p> Source: <a href=""></a> </p> </body> </html>
On using XForms
XQuery Sandboxes on the web
- Orbeon Xquery sandbox
- XQuery sandbox at eXist
- Else, do these transforms with XML Exchanger light
Reading and links
- Ronald Bourret (2005). XML and Databases,
- Darshan Singh, Essential XQuery - The XML Query Language, (skip the part about functions)
- XQuery (Wikipedia)
Best XQuery manual/tutorial
You can find additional links and more tutorials in this wiki
- XQuery
- XQuery_tutorial - basics (no tutorial so far, just links)
- XML database
- Prerequisites and catchup (if needed)
- (XML Intro)
- (XSLT basics)
- or (XSLT intro)
- (XPath and more XSLT)
- (Creating DTDs)
- (Creating XML Schemas)
- (XML Namespaces)
SVG demo
(if there is time left)